Chapter 23

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Lady Shila and her underlings had already finished getting their base back to how it was before that wretched man came in and spoaked everything with his water and electricity. She snarled deep in her throat.

"Lady Shila," one of the dogs growled. "Shall we get our weapons ready?"

"Yes. At once!"

~.Royal POV.~

Many long days had passed. Black Mist was still recovering, but he was now much more relaxed. In fact, he looked like he was sleeping, and maybe he was. King Godith had no time to actually check, for he was busy getting things ready. He didn't even know how Astral was coming along, but the boy certainly took an interest in visiting him every day after Kuna finished his ritual. Akari was already up and moving, and she often went with Yuma on his visits.

The king was in his tent, focusing his energy on controlling the wind, when Black Mist roused. He opened his eyes and looked over to his son.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked, noticing that the tank was now empty.

"A little, Father," Black Mist mumbled. "How's Astral?"

Godith stopped his training and walked over to his son to help him up. "Your brother has not woken up. Remember that he was killed."

Black Mist instantly wished he had not asked because memories of that day flooded his mind with that single word. He took in a trembling breath as he relived the moment when he watched that electric snake take a huge bite into Astral's side.

"Do not fret," Godith said when he saw the expression on Black Mist's face. "He is being treated as we speak. He will be back with us in no time."

"Really?" The look on his face changed from sorrowful to hopeful. "How?"

"Ask Kuna and you will see." He walked to the door. "Stay here and rest for a but longer. I will be back."

Black Mist felt that temptation to follow Godith. He knew it was his dark side that never left him alone. It was always making him do things he really didn't want to do like kill people for fun. Well, this time, he did what it told him to do willingly because he wanted to know what was going on.

He stealthily snuck out and followed his father, blending in with the shadows perfectly, jumping from shadow to shadow. He made sure to keep up.

Black Mist stopped when his father reached an incredibly large tree with an impossibly large hollow. He walked inside, and Black Mist followed.

Inside the hollow, the young prince didn't have to worry about being spotted, for there was nearly complete darkness inside and plenty of hiding places. All around him, weapons on racks littered the spaces, providing the perfect cover. Thanks to the dark side of him telling him what to do, he wasn't caught by anyone. He hid behind a rack of swords, making sure to hide in the deepest shadows.

"Are we set?" a squirrel man with flaps from his arms to his legs asked.

"Yes," Godith replied, "but there will be no guarantee of any of us surviving. Some of us may have to die."


Die!? Black Mist's eyes widened in horror. Was he going to lose another family member? First his mother, then his brother, and now his father? Why were they even doing this!? Are they insane!?

The people gathered weapons, which included swords, bombs, shields, and other deadly weapons. All Black Mist could do was watch them helplessly, but that darkness urged him to go after them. Black Mist mentally denied him. He didn't want to get in trouble again.

He watched them leave with a heavy heart. What if his father died? What would happen then? Would he be alone?

Black Mist got up as soon as he knew that they were gone and went to the big tent that he woke up in. However, he rushed into the wrong one and ended up in a completely different one. There, he saw Yuma sitting on a bed by Astral's sleeping form.

Yuma looked over at Black Mist. He smiled and waved.

"You his brother?" he asked, scooting over to make room for him.

"Yeah," Black Mist replied. He floated over and sat next to him. "Why are you here?"

"I just want to see the day when he wakes up again."

Black Mist was taken aback. "He's going to wake up?"

Yuma smiled. "Yeah. He's already breathing."

Black Mist scrambled over and put his ear to his chest. Yes, there it was! That strong, steady heartbeat that remained strong even in the darkest times. He smiled in relief.

"He's alive," he breathed. "He's really alive!"

"Apparently, it was just the heart stopping and then beating again softly. It was just hard for us to detect, and it wasn't enough to sustain his life. He was lucky that he was taken here at the right time."

Black Mist felt tears of relief coming to his eyes. "I seriously thought he had died!" he laughed in a voice choked with tears.

Yuma stroked both princes' hair soothingly. "Well, he was alive all this time. It's alright to hope that he's going to live."

Black Mist got up with a face of sorrow. "Father may not live to hear this, you know."

"Eh?" Yuma stood up. "Why?"

"He and some others were talking about something, and Father said that they probably won't come back alive."

Yuma was taken aback. "What do you think they're going to do?"

"I do not know, but it sounded dangerous!"

Yuma thought about what could possibly be happening when his thoughts were cut off by sounds of mumbling. They both turned their attention to Astral, who was just now opening his eyes and mumbling nonsense, even in his native language. Still, it was a great relief to have him awake.

"Brother?" Black Mist called gently. "Are you okay now?"

"Oh..." he groaned. "What...what happened...?"

"You were struck by Wattchimera, but you're okay now! You'r not dead!"

Astral sat up without any pain. Surprisingly, the damage he recieved from Wattchimera didn't bother him anymore since they were now nothing but scars.

"Where's Father...?"

"He's..." Black Mist decided not to tell him what was going on. This time, it was his turn to protect him. "He's gone out for a while. He's not dead either."

Astral smiled. "That's good."

Black Mist went to the entrance. "I'll be right back." He whispered to Yuma. "I'm going after them. Don't tell him that."

Yuma nodded, and Black Mist flew out.

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