• chapter 9 •

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okay second last chapter before the epilogue cuz i'm unmotivated lmao


in no time, everyone starts acting weird, slurring their words, saying dumb comments and flirting..

"drinking was definitely a bad idea" jeremy says, taking a sip of his sprite, as he is the only sober one.

"b-babe.." vincent says pulling my waist closer to him..

"v-vincent.." i said trying to push him off knowing what he would do next..


after a few hours, everyone ends up passing out, either from drinking a lot, or just being plain out tiered..

just then.. a loud banging is made on the entrance door, waking up everyone..

"what the fuck was that?" mike said startled..

"ah" vincent said jumping from fear.

"w-who is a-at the d-door at this t-time?" jeremy said confused.

"eeh, i'm not sure.. i'll get it" i said, pulling vincent's arm off of my chest.

i walked sluggishly towards the door..

"who the hell would be at the door" i ask, confused..

i slowly open the door seeing..
(woah cliff hanger >:)

• A Purple Blur • { vincent x reader } Where stories live. Discover now