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"wait- so we're doing this love life survey, with a partner?" a girl asked from across the room.

"yes, and it doesn't matter if it's a girl or boy but both of you must have chemistry or something.. what the hell mr takashi- i mean, sorry" seonghwa eyed the papers in disgust as he realized something written on top of every paper.

"oh? and it seems like mr takashi had already assigned partners for us." seonghwa sighed as he called out the partners for everyone.

"okay, y/n and jisung here's your papers" jisung's eyes grew wide as he looked over to you and went to take the papers.

why was he shocked? it was normal for both of you to be paired for projects anyway.


you had just finish biology, heading to your locker to get your music book.

"y/n!" you turned and saw jisung waving at you.

"hey sungie. whats up?" you shut your locker and held your books in your arm.

"i was thinking of the place to do the survey. do you wanna do it at mine or yours?"

"i don't really mind. but we rarely did it at yours so how about yours?" jisung nodded.

"sure, its not messy today" you giggled as jisung followed after.

"do you have a free period now?" you asked jisung and he nods.

"good luck in music class" he ruffled with your hair as you pouted.

"okay dad" you smiled at him and walked away to music class.


after the last class, you went to keep your stuff in your locker but then getting slammed into it exactly like this morning.

sooya smirked before holding a fist up.
"lets ruin this ugly face again huh?" sooya punches you and you can feel your face limp and everything was in pain.

but you didn't do anything because you were following jisung's orders.

"STOP!! STOP PUNCHING HER!" a familiar voice shouted from across the hall and he pushes sooya away from you.

it was minho, his face all worried and also angry.

you almost passed out, looking at how your condition was right now it was normal for people to pass out immediately.

your face was bruised and your nose was broken.

"we need to get you treated y/n. don't worry i called the principal" minho helped you up as he brought you to the nurse's office.


minho was beside you when the nurse treated your wounds, so you didn't feel lonely.

the door slammed open, revealing jisung who was behind it.

"y/n!" jisung hugged you tightly, his hands wrapping your head and your face was in his neck.

"ouch sungie my wounds!" you pushed jisung away, wincing at the pain.

"why didn't you fight back?"

"because you told me to ignore it" you glared at him and pouted.

"what she said" minho mocked.

"okay i told you to ignore it i get it im sorry. you don't deserve this y/n"

"i thought i didn't either" you looked down and stared at the white tiled floor.

"let's go to my house and eat some ice cream, okay? sounds fun?" you looked up at jisung's hopeful eyes and agreed to it.

"well i guess I'll get going. see you guys at school tomorrow!" minho excused himself.

"im sorry" jisung sat down beside you on the bed as he took your hand and caressed it.

"its fine. plus it was only a little"

"a little? i think they've gone too far!"

"okay maybe a little too far" jisung grabbed you by your shoulders and you faced him.

"y/n. i promise i'll always stay by your side, and never ever leave you"

"what- do you even know what you're saying right now?"

"of course i do!"

"fine, whatever. lets go already, i want some ice cream >:(" jisung laughed and nodded.

"okay, let's get going"


"tada!!! this is my clean house" you stepped into the so called "clean" apartment jisung was living in.

it was a mess.

"what do you mean by clean.. it looks like a trash center instead of a house"

"hmph whatever you say" jisung took out a tub of ice cream and bought two spoons along.

"thanks sung" you smiled as he gave you the spoon and ice cream tub.

"do you want to watch something? lets finish up the ice cream before starting on the assignment"

"okay im up for it!"

"lets watch haikyuu!!!!"

"scum's wish instead? i finished haikyuu already"

"and? you watched without me?? i thought we promised that we would video call each other and watch it together? you liar i am dissapointed"

"awh come on.. fine lets watch haikyuu okay? cheer up!! i promise i wont do that anymore" you feed him a spoon of ice cream as he pouts and accepts it.

"you're so lucky i love you" jisung smiles cheerfully and slouched back on the couch, turning haikyuu on.

love? what does he mean by love?

jisung was holding on to the ice cream tub as both of you dug in the icy indulgence. (this sounds like an advertisement)

the ice cream ran out in no time, and both of you were just digging nothing at some point.

"oh? the ice cream is finished already?" jisung realized first as he took the tub away to the sink.

you, on the other hand were too focused on the tv not even realizing that jisung had took your spoon and the ice cream tub away and your hand was just there, still in the pose when you were holding the spoon.

"y/n~" jisung whines, trying to get your attention.

"whatttt" jisung grabs your hand and held it like that.

you immediately turn to jisung, unsure of what hes doing. so you glanced at him, then at your hands.

"w-what are you doing" jisung smirks before pulling your hand and kissing it.

"what? your hand is warm. we normally do this, don't we?"

what the heck..


LOL IM SORRY FOR THE late update HAHAH here u go this is lame <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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