When MC cant speak Main6 language (+valerius)

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(I have a Japanese MC so this'll be fun)


-he will try his hardest to learn the language
-if not he'll start teaching you english
-when you get stressed and upset over it he'll pull you onto his lap and tell you that you'll learn their language soon (with the words that hes learned from you)
-faust will give you cuddles and mimic words you tell her
-He'll sometimes use magic to help him translate it.


-this man speaks seven different languages, it wont be hard to pick up an eighth (if he doesn't already know it)
-did he ever tell you that your home language sounds absolutely gorgeous?
-makes asra make him a magical translator
-mostly communicates by body language
-he'll put words on things around the house so when guests visit they always ask why theres the word lamp on the lamp and couch on the couch.


-shes dealt with many different kingdoms and languages, shes learned your language probably
-she'll talk about the courtiers behind their back with you
-honestly fun with her since she speaks the language
-teaches you English but you speak very broken.
-pulls pranks on people
-confuses courtiers on accident by speaking your language to them


-"Wait, you didn't say chicken asparagus?"
-you HAVE to teach her, no if, ands, or buts about it
-she loves hearing you speak, especially certain words that you have to say with a thick accent
-she really wants to hear you say pepi in your language
-life is a game of charades while shes trying to learn your language.


-"Wh at-"
-you have to explain to him that you dont speak english with body language and drawings
-"dear, you can talk."
-you have to call nadia or asra to translate for him
-when he finds out his face lights up and he told nadia to tell you that you need to teach him
-he reads books to you even though he can barely read, they're usually kids books. You both learn something from it
-he takes you to orchestra symphonies every Saturday.


-he looks so confused when you say hello to him
-he automatically asks asra if he knows what you're saying
-you go to body language as your second option
-o h
-he doesn't speak many languages, he pick up a couple words from living in the south
-hes just honestly confused.


-"darling, you're going to have to speak up."
-you said it louder and he just gave you a look that says 'english please'
-when he finds out you cant speak english he just shrugs and continues drinking his wine
-he finds the way you attempt to get his attention without words is the cutest thing to him
-him asking you to say one word turns into an Hour-a-day language class
-he will sit you on his lap and look you straight in the eye whilst saying words for you to mimic him
-he loves hearing you sing in your language but when you find out he heard you singing you almost murdered him.

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