Part 5

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We come back, medicine & a glass of water in hand to find Jip sitting up & whining, staring at John, worriedly, as he stirs & mumbles. I quickly go to his side & set the fever reducers & water glass in the table. "John?" I ask, softly. His breathing is laboured & rapid as he starts to gasp for air & whimper. Jip whines & looks at me, pleadingly.

"John." I say a bit louder, placing a hand on his. "John. It's alright." I start to hear what he's mumbling a bit more clearly. "'m sorry.....I'm so....sorry.....Lily." I frown in sadness & worry & attempt, again to try to calm him. "John. It's alright, everything is fine. Shh, it's okay." He starts to settle down &, resides to just some incoherent mumbling of abcenities. "Here..." I have the water glass & medicine. "John... John, can you take this medicine?" He doesn't respond, just lolls his head from side to side.

"I think you're going to have to assist him, dear." Polly tells me, gently. "Okay." It's so hard to see him like this. I set the glass down & reach a hand under John's head, gently lifting it & placing the medicine in his mouth before quickly grabbing the water & holding it to his lips. It takes just a moment before he, instinctively starts to sip.down the water. Once I'm sure the medicine goes down, I set the glass back on the table & sit back on my haunches. "Thank you, Stubbins." I look at Polly. "Of course." "You don't have to stay & care for him. I can handle it, if you'd like? You're just a boy. This must be very hard." Polly, kindly offers. "That's kind of you. But I'd like to stay. I don't mind & my Aunt & Uncle don't mind either. They know I like spending more time over here, anyways."

I then frown & look at John. "I want to be here for him." Polly nods, in understanding. Later we decide it best to have John in his bed. With Cheech's help, were able to manage to get John into his bed & settle him in.


John hasn't gotten much better, but he hasn't worsened either, so that's good, at least. His fever won't go down, despite the cold washcloths & medicine. There wasn't, really anywhere I could sleep where I could keep an eye on him, so I decided to make a makeshift bed on the floor, beside John's bedside. Polly perches on one of the bedposts & Cheech curls up in a makeshift nest if his own, in the corner of his room.


I stir a bit, thinking I hear something. Then I hear it again. Whimpering & moaning. I sit up & rub the sleep from my eyes. When my eyes finally focus in the dim lit room, I see John. He's shaking & his eyebrows furrowed, with the covers lying in a heap on the floor. I quickly get up & get closer to his side. "John?" He's breathing heavily & shivering, badly. I pick up the covers off the floor cover John back up. "What's happened?" I look to see Polly awake.

"He pushed the covers on the floor & is shivering & whimpering pretty badly." I reply, shakily. "Here, take his temperature." She nods to the thermometer on the nightstand. I grab it & attempt to put it in John's mouth. "John. Can you hear me?" He moans & takes a deep breath. "Hur...hurts." he rasps. I frown in worry. "What hurts?" He winces in pain. "Ever...everythi...thing." "oh, John." Polly says, sympatheticaly & flys down by his head, to nuzzle his hair again.

"Here. Let me take your temperature. Can you open your mouth for me?" He sighs & coughs, wincing in pain as it wracks his body. I wince as I watch him, holding his hand to comfort him & myself. Finally, the coughing subsides & I'm able to take his temperature. After a minute, I check it. "105.1°. it's just getting worse."

Polly looks at me. Worry & sadness in her eyes. "We need to get him into a cool bath to cool him down, or he'll..." She can't finish that last word. And she doesn't have to. "Alright, Cheech?" I turn to Chee-Chee, who's been standing by, watching, helplessly & trying not to panic. "Yes, Stubbins?" "I'm gonna need your help carrying him to the bath." Chee-Chee nods & comes over, putting his arms under John's shoulders & knees, gently lifting him out of bed, & heading to the bathtub.

Cheech, carefully places John in the tub as I start to fill the tub with cold water. "Make sure it's not too cold, dear." Polly, advises me. "Okay." I hadn't bothered to take his clothes off, wanting to leave him some dignity and modesty. Plus, we needed to hurry & I will get him some dry clothes later. I make sure he's comfortable & have him soak for about 25 minutes. The whole time, he shivers from the, almost, ice cold water & moans in pain. I almost can't handle this. I'm so worried he might die. I'm very mature for a 13 year old, but fear & worry is building up. But I have to stay. John & the others need me & there isn't a doctor who can help. The nearest doctor is miles away.

After another minute, we get him out of the tub & bring him back to his bedroom. Cheech helps me hold John up as resolve his wet cloths with a pair of dry trousers & a button up shirt. After we settle him in bed, I put another cold washcloth on his forehead & leave the covers off of him. His breathing is still, a little laboured & he's still very pale.

"Alright. Let's check your temp again." When I read the results, I furrow my eyebrows in worry & disappointment. "What is it now, Stubbins?" Polly asks. "104.9°. it barely went down." I say, frowning & bowing my head with a sigh. "Stubbins." I look up at Polly. "It's gonna be okay." She comforts, gently. I give her a small smile in appropriation. Just then, John begins thrashing & convulsing. I stare, wide eyed, not knowing what to do.

"He's having a seziure!" Polly states. "Oh no!" Cheech yells, in panic, throwing his hands to his mouth. I quickly reach over & try to hold John down so he doesn't fall or hurt himself. "John. It's alright!" I try to calm him. A few seconds later, his body relaxed & calms down.

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