Chapter Three; Jealousy and Memories

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After 20 or so minutes of waiting officers open my cell not to let me out, unfortunately. There stood the boyfriend of Connor with tear-stained cheeks and a gritted jaw.

"Are you seriously putting me in with him?" Disgust almost blended with jealousy spat out of the young man's mouth. He wasn't as attentive as Connor but maybe if he didn't want to rip my throat out I'd think of his looks differently. 

The coppers shrug closing the cell. The man huffs in rage before sitting down.

"So, this is the rugrat that's been sleeping with my boyfriend, son it's a shame you can't run very far." He spits at me.

Silence took over the pair of us, the room dripping in anticipation.

"How old are you like twelve?" The man asks, scanning over my features, I almost feel uncomfortable under his glare.

"No, I'm 15...sir," I answer addressing the man with authority. My throat goes dry, I should apologise for ruining his relationship. 

He puffs in annoyance before slouching down, almost giving up. It was now, I noticed how striking the man is, still in his anger, he was quite attractive, handsome. Defined jawline, locked into place by anger. Thin lips sowed into a line. Sea blue eyes hardened by anger but shone sadnessdness.

"Look," I start but quickly shut my mouth when his blue eyes harden in my direction.

"Spit it out, kid." Anger clear as day in his voice, I nod, struggling to find the right words.

"I'm sorry for kissing your boyfriend. I don't know what come over me." I admit before hanging my head in shame. The man lets out a snort before slinging his head back.

"I do, you were in a trance, hypnotized by Connor's charm. He called you pet names and made you think he was utterly perfect in every way." I look up my eyes meeting his. It was nosw I notice they were glossy with tears and regret. I slowly nod my head, this clearly wasn't the first time the man had cheated on his boyfriend. Sympathy oozes out of my body as he gives me a sad smile. A broken kind of smile, the one that you give when you've lost hope.

"I'm guessing this isn't the first time he's been unloyal," I answer, it comes out as more of a question. The man laughs, but not a happy laugh more of a hollow one that was a clear enough answer in itself.

"Unloyal isn't a word." The man pointed out with a sigh, "but yes. This isn't the first time however it was the most innocent." I nod slowing taking it all in. 

"How old are you? You seem young." I ask the man trying to make conversation.

"Thank you I'm actually only 18," The man hummed, sending me a small smile. I let out a fake-ish gasp before clapping. 

"Had me fooled." I admit standing up.

"Sit down kid," 

"You can't call me kid. You're a kid." He looked at me for a second, almost scanning me. He nodded and shrugs. 


"Why aren't you at work?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation flowing - he's actually quite funny. The man lets out another sad laugh.

"Why aren't you at school?" He fires back. I shake my head with a small laugh, he's sassy, I like it.

"I've been here since last night," I admit putting my head in my hands in shame.

"What you do?" The man sends me a questioning look before a small smile.

"I was found with class A drugs." It comes out in no more than a whisper almost cracked.

"Good luck kid." The man huffs choosing to sit on the floor instead. I grunt in agreement. Good luck indeed.

"I'm Louis by the way." The man smiles offering for me to shake his hand, "and I'm sorry for snapping at you. It wasn't until you said that you were 15 I actually figured you had been brainwashed by your hormones."

Brainwashed. The word played over in my head as flashes of that night play over in my head. Broken memories that I had forgotten.

"Do you want another drink?" The man must have been the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. I nod in anticipation waiting for him to bring me a drink. His voice was warm and his hands skilled.

"Drink up..."

The memory was far from reliable but seemed to be stuck in my mind. The voice didn't seem foreign to it either, his words, his voice almost engraved into it. The man's face still seemed to be like artwork from Picasso in my mind but at least that was a start.

"...I mean Connor goes out all the time..." I hear him say, sparking something in my mind. Almost like a eureka moment you see on Horrid Henry.

"Did Connor go out last night?" I ask, frantic for my memories to be regained.

"Yeah to Church Alley Pub."

His eyes bore into mine.

"What's your name?" I ask, my confidence from the alcohol but my voice had a drunken slur from the content of whatever the man bought me...


Connor drugged me...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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