Who is him?

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"Ballora,F Foxy and F Freddy"

(F Freddy)Let's hide in your gallery Ballora

(F Foxy)Good idea your gallery has a long hall and we can hide behind your stage

(Ballora)Then let's go

"In the Ballora Gallery"

(F Foxy)Its dark here

(Ballora)I barely can see something but i still see the stage

"Behind the stage"

(F Freddy)I hope Ennard does not find us here

(F Foxy)I hope too!

"Circus Baby and Y/N"

(Y/N)Do you think we should talk with Ennard maybe he will change

(Baby)No he will not listen to us

(Y/N)Wait...Do you hear that

(Baby)Hear What?

(Y/N)I hear someone coming here

(Baby)Okay be quiet!

(???)I know you are here.Come out!

(Y/N)Who is him?

(Baby)I dont know i never seen an animatronic that is just an endoskeleton

"Ballora, F Foxy and F Freddy"

(F Foxy)Ennard is coming!

(F Freddy)Then we should quiet!

(Ennard)Where are you i know you are here i saw you coming here

(Ballora)What do we do?If he is loking behind the stage we are dead

(F Foxy)Look there is plank over there we should throw it somewhere

(F Freddy)In the Breaker Room.I will throw it


(F Freddy)"throws the plank in the Breaker Room"

(Ennard)i heard that! "Run in the Breaker Room"

(Ballora)Now we can run come on!

"Circus Baby and Y/N"

(???)I  SEE YOU!




(Y/N)"Got baby by her arm'

(???)"Got baby other arm"

(Ennard)Yenndo whats happening here?

(Yenndo)I got them!Help me get atleast her


(Yenndo)"Breaks the wall" "Run away with Ennard and Baby"


(F Foxy)Y/N what happend and where is Baby???

(Y/N)Ennard and Yenndo got her...

Night 2

(NG)Im here again...

"Goes into the elevator"

(HT)Welcome back for another night of intellectual stimulation, pivotal career choices, and self-reflection on past mistakes. We’re committed to creating a unique and fulfilling work experience. One part of that commitment is ensuring that you don’t get tired of the voice that you’re hearing right now.

(NG)No im not getting tired im getting super tired i hope you die in a fire

(HT)Using the keypad below, please select a new companion voice. For male, press 1. For female, press 2. For text-only, press 3. For other options, press 4.

 A FNAF SL Story Circus Baby x Male Animatronic Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now