part four.

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The one thing going through the brunet's head as he stared at his porcelain bedroom wall was the events from earlier. He repeated them in his head like a list, thinking that it would make him process everything easier. But it didn't. Sure, his questions from twenty-four hours ago had been answered- but in the worst way possible. He mentally laughed at himself earlier that day, wondering why people kept wishing him luck, now he realised why; although their wishes were pathetically futile. No, they weren't evil, far from it in fact. The Arcanes just wanted Thomas to be safe, he didn't know what from but he supposed that didn't matter too badly. As his eyelids fell lead-heavy, he simply lay flat, facing upwards on his bed and allowed his mind to not wander, but oddly enough, race back to the gathering.

'he is.' Thomas let out confidently, lifting an arm and finger and pointing at the blond boy, who was now linen white.

The rest of the group seemed to be speechless, just staring blankly back and forth from Thomas to Newt. Madison gulped and placed her hand on Newt's thigh, as if she knew him so well that she knew exactly how the rest of this gathering was going to pan out. Most of Thomas knew that this was a bad idea but he couldn't control his curiosity, what was so bad with being orphic anyway? Surely that's a good thing right, not..deadly or anything?

Before Thomas even had time to give his own questions a rough stab in the dark at an answer, his body shot up into the air out of his seat and with his consciousness somewhere behind, threw his body forwards.

"Don't. Lie. To. Me." He screamed coarsely. He bit a bloody slit into his lip in response to the stabbing pain in his temple, which spread, spread like silver poisoning to a werewolf before speaking again, spitting a small speck of blood onto the sitting boys face. "I can just figure it out. I can do that you know, figure people..things..out." He leaned down to Newt, focusing on getting into his head "Oh. There's a person..Za-"

That was it. The last straw. Newt ripped Madison's protective hand from his thigh and stood, towering over Thomas. He grabbed Thomas' shoulders and, spilling with rage, threw him against the cold stone wall of the room. "Don't. ever. try to get inside my head." He snarled, small silvery veins pushing through the skin on his forehead and hands. For several beats they stayed there, brown eyes piercing into brown, wrists being crushed by Newts grip. Finally, Newt's mismatched eyes softened and tears began to well in his eyes. "It's too dark for you." His voice broke and his grip loosened "The real you. Don't let the shit in your head take over okay?" He took in a breath and let the first tear fall "Okay?!"

"Telepathy." Thomas heard a voice from the circle breathe out.

Telepathy. Brenda had said soon after the whole 'freak out' which Thomas now liked to call his uncontrollable urges caused by his newly found power. The idea of being able to read people's minds, predict the future to a certain extent seemed cool enough, but being honest, Thomas hated it already. He could've been a magic wielding badass like Magnus Bane or turn invisible on command but no. Telepathy. And not the cool, crystal ball type either- evidently, the stabbing a knife into your skull and freaking out on your friends type. Fantastic.

After the 'freak out', he'd decided to leave, to cool off at least, but turns out he just decided to go to bed. Or at least attempt to go to bed as sleeping seemed not to be an option while an endless tape of the events from earlier occupied his mind. He continued to stare at the ceiling, focusing on its emptiness, trying to calm the unbearable storm churning in his mind.

He was interrupted by a soft knock on his door, he half contemplated ignoring it but he had already yelled at one of the guys here and caused chaos in the gathering room (that was before storming out) so he settled on pulling himself away from his daydreams and getting up to opening the door.

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