Return and confession

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As I walked down the hallway I had walked so many times before, I couldn't help but think back to when I first arrived here. Ego Rex, EGO, the library and finally Es. Despite her cold attitude, I couldn't help enjoy spending time with her, especially the one time when she had me lie on her lap when she asked what was bothering me and I gave my answer.

"Everyone view me as an outcast because I am different, and no matter what I do, I keep getting shunned. I have tried to hard to fit in, but it never works and I just feel like I just walk in circles with no end. I might just give up soon, not worth it..."

Es comforted me up after I started crying during that session and despite her mostly cold demeanor, she cared and made me feel a bit better about myself before she sent me to collect more EGO. We started to enjoy each other's company more as time passed and each time I saw her, my heart would beat rapidly and I would get this warm feeling inside my chest, but I didn't know what it was.

One day, Ego Rex appeared and congratulated me on having found a balance of sort between impulse and conform. Each time I went into the library, Es became so happy and we would spend time together and read books together. However, that came to an end when I had to leave for a time. The leave lasted longer than I really wanted, but I was happy when I returned to the same hallway and found the library door.

However, when I entered the library, I found it in complete darkness and I heard sobbing deep within the room. I entered and tried to turn on the lights, but the light was out. Making a mental not to change the light later, I turned on the table lamps as I walked by, relieved that they worked.

I then found the source of the sobbing. Es was lying on the floor curled up with tears streaming down her face and I could feel my heart break.

"Es...?" I whispered as I gently got down on my knees.

"W-Why...did you..leave...?" she asked while sobbing.

"I'm sorry...the day I left, I looked for you but couldn't find you, and I didn't have any time to look for you...something really demanded my attention and kept me so busy I...I almost forgot to return.." I replied in a sad whisper.

Es slightly got up and buried her face in my cloak and cried loudly, while I held around her. "You were there once for its my turn" I whispered and gently caressed her smooth hair.

Es eventually cried herself to sleep and I gently picked her up and walked to the small bedroom we had made for ourselves and gently wrapped the sheet around her to keep her warm.

After leaving the bedroom, I fixed the light in the library and sat down to read a few books I had gotten my hands on during my time away. Eventually I fell asleep while reading and didn't wake up until next morning.

When I woke up, I saw Es sitting in the chair in front of me, looking at me. "Good morning..." I yawned and stretched my arms.

As my vision cleared, I noticed that her eyes were red. "Es...have you been crying?" I asked but she didn't respond.

We sat in silence for a bit until I slowly got up from my chair and gently walked up to her. She was shaking and I could see her eyes glimmering, and I held her hand.

"Do you have any long I waited...?" she whispered. "Far too long..." I replied.

I gently placed my hand on her cheek and she opened her eyes and hugged me tightly. "I promise, I will never leave you again my dear Es. I missed you so much" I said as we stayed in the hug for a bit.

"Es, there is something I want to give you. Something I made while I was away" I said as I brought a small box from my bag and gave it to her.

"W-What is this?" she asked and looked at me.

"Open it and see" I smiled.

Inside was a small ring adorned with blue butterflies, and Es turned slightly red.

"I love you Es. I want to spend my entire life with you and you alone" I said while blushing madly.

"I love you too my wanderer. I want to spend my life with you as well" she replied and I gently put the ring on her finger.

"You may now kiss the bride" she said smiling.

We leaned closer and our lips met in a sweet kiss.

Eventually we parted to regain our breath and we smiled happily to each other. "I have never been so happy before.." Es whispered and I chuckled.

We left the library and another room we had made for ourselves, the living room and made breakfast, though instead of eating, we sat looking at each other lost in love with our hands intertwined.

We then went to the bedroom where we spent the rest of the day.

"I will love you for eternity my dear Es" I smiled and kissed her lovingly before we fell asleep.

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