Life outside

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As I woke up the next morning, I looked at a sleeping Es who smiled in her sleep. After gently playing with her hair a bit, she began to move and opened her eyes.

"Good morning darling" I smiled and she yawned.

"Good morning my dear" she replied and gently nuzzled my hand on her cheek which made me blush slightly.

After giving her a morning kiss, we got up and got dressed.

After eating, we sat down in the library and while Es read her books, I went through my bag to let her see what other things I had brought from outside for her to see. As I looked through my bag, Es stopped reading and looked at me as I put various objects on the table.

"What't all that?" she asked as she walked over to me.

"Some stuff I got my hands on while away" I replied and held up a small pocket watch for her.

I showed her how to open the pocket watch and then attached it to one of her front pockets so she could easily access it. I then showed her a lighter and used it to light a candle I also had. I also showed her a camera and to demonstrate to her what a camera was, I had her give a small pose and then snapped a photo and when I showed her, she gave the cutest smile I had ever seen.

"Hey honey?" she asked after I had shown her the rest of the things I had brought.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Do you think we can maybe go outside one day? I have always wanted to see life outside this place" she said and I smiled.

"We can leave tomorrow if you want" I said and her eyes began shining.

She hugged me tightly while smiling happily and I smiled happily too.

After reading a few books I brought from outside for her while she sat on my lap, my stomach growled. Es giggled and handed me some bread she found in my bag and playfully started to feed me while I read.

After finishing the book, I checked my own watch and saw it was late. After having something to eat, we went to bed to sleep and held around each other, though I could feel Es burying herself into my chest. When we woke up next morning, we ate and started packing and I had to convince Es that she could not fit all her books and take them with her.

After we finished packing, I opened the door outside, and saw it was quite sunny outside. Es dropped her bag and ran outside getting slightly blinded but her eyes seemed to adjust nicely. I picked her bag up and walked up to her.

"My home is not far from here. Follow me" I said and we started walking towards a small forest on the outskirts of a small town.

"Its to beautiful out here" Es remarked as she looked around, taking everything in.

"I figured you would like it" I smiled as I took her hand, "now the forest is a bit thick so its easy to get lost. Don't let go of my hand until we are there" I said and she nodded.

After a while, we came to my home and after unlocking it, we went inside. I placed our bags by the bedroom and showed her the rest of the house.

"I imagined you would live in a busy city or a town, not in a forest" she said and I giggled. "I did once live in a city, but I hate how everything is so tight and I view large cities as concrete prisons. Here in the forest, I can live in silence and nobody comes here except me so we can live here in peace" I smiled and gave her a gentle kiss.

We unpacked our bags and lied down in the living room and we sat down and listened to the sound of silence. Es had changed out of her suit as it needed to be cleaned and was using some of my clothes.

I gently laid Es down against a pillow and went to check my food supply and noticed it was very small. A shopping trip was in order it seemed. I looked at Es.

"Hey Es, I need to get some more food. We're a bit low. I'll be right back" I said as I grabbed my bag and hung it around my waist.

"Wait, I want to come with you" she replied and grabbed my hand.

"Alright, follow me" I replied and we walked through the forest.

After walking for a bit, we arrived at a small village and the villagers greeted us both as we approached. I then noticed one of my friends approaching us.

"Hey Felix. Good to see you again. Who's this lady?" he asked and noticed the ring on Es' finger.

"My name is Es, and I am his wife" she replied with a smile and my friend looked at me.

"Never imagined you would be married so young, but more power to you. You've grown from that shy boy you were" he laughed and I giggled nervously.

"He's the best husband one can ask for" Es replied and clung to my arm making me blush, much to her and my friend's amusement.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Henry, me and Felix have been friends since we were kids" he said.

As we walked towards the local store, Henry told stories of our childhood to Es who seemed to enjoy them a lot. When we got to the store, Henry had to take care of some business and went on his way, leaving me and Es to do our shopping.

When we finished shopping, we returned to the house and it had gotten dark by then. After eating a little bit, we changed and got went to sleep.

"Thank you for bringing me to the outside" Es smiled as we lied down.

"Anything for you sweetie" I replied and gave her a night kiss before we drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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