Chapter 4: Stardust and Gunpowder

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The first week out from Port Montressor was surprisingly uneventful; Jane just worked to stay out of everyone's way as she sat on the upper deck, one of Amelia's spyglasses pressed to her eye, as she sketched as much of the sky as she could fit onto the pages of her sketchbook, which invariably followed by long nights spent pouring over the navigation texts that the captain had also lent her in order to start assembling her star chart, which in time took up most of the far wall of her cabin. She had not bothered to don the yellow dress she had first worn aboard, having gradually coming to prefer the more comfortable sleeves white top and rough brown dress ensemble that had become her standard shipboard costume. One day, however, she climbed up the stairs from her quarters only to be nearly trampled by Mr. Arrow, who was making his way back toward the captain's cabin. The first mate noticed her leap suddenly backward, turned his head, and tipped his hat in an apologetic fashion. "Beggin' your pardon, miss, but I must go and see the captain. It's probably best that you stay below, miss." Jane squared her jaw; she was not going to be sent back to her room like a little girl after all she'd done to get her. She started to follow Mr. Arrow across the crowded deck, noting with some surprise how suddenly tense the crew was, and she felt the first stirrings of worry gathering deep in her stomach, but forced them down and kept following the first mate.

Mr. Arrow stopped in front of the sentry, formally announced his presence, and had begun to pass through the door the sentry had opened when he stopped suddenly upon hearing the man say "I'm sorry, miss, but you can't be in there." Jane folded her arms across her chest, raised an eyebrow in a way she'd seen her mother use to bring nobles to their knees, and spoke in ringing tones. "And why ever not?" The sentry sighed as he moved to block the entrance to the cabin door. "It's the captain's private quarters, miss, and you don't have permission to go there." Arrow, his immense height giving him a good view of the drama as it played out, was looking slightly amused until he suddenly turned his head to the left as Amelia's voice was heard. "What is it, Mr. Arrow?" "It's Ms. Porter, Captain", the first mate rumbled, "she followed me up here." "Oh, do let her in already...she can be trusted not to blab, Mr. Arrow." The sentry stood aside and Jane, tilting her chin up regally, swept by in a manner that would have worked much better had she been wearing her yellow dress.

The door closed behind her with a snap, leaving her alone with the two officers who regraded with very carefully composed features. It was Amelia who spoke first. "I see, Ms. Porter, that you are feeling especially perspicacious this morning. Do you have something on your mind?" Jane nodded as she turned to look at Mr. Arrow, who was standing alongside the captain. "Mr. Arrow is one of the most civil people I know, but yet he almost ran me down today." Arrow cleared his throat. "I did apologize, Captain." Amelia held up a hand. "I'm sure you did, Mr. Arrow, and that reflects well on you, but I believe our visitor is not yet finished speaking. Go on, Ms. Porter." "Arrow is distracted, the crew are tense...I may not be a member of the service, Captain, but I can see what is front of me. The question I have is has it already happened or will it soon be happening?"

The two officers shared a look, and then Amelia shrugged and settled back into her chair. "As this does effect you, Ms. Porter, I suppose it is only right that you know. We had a communication from another ship who was traveling out of the area, the Repulse. It reported there is significant pirate activity in the space ahead, and it is more than likely that we will soon find ourselves encountering them. Therefore I have ordered the ship prepared in case we need to engage hostile ships. What you are to do in that unhoped for eventuality, Ms. Porter, is what I have told you do only as you are instructed, no more, no less. I trust this will not pose a problem for you?"

Jane felt the intensity of Amelia's stare on her, and forced herself not to turn away from it as she nodded. "Yes, Captain...thank you for sharing this with me. I think it best I return to my quarters for now, as Mr. Arrow suggested." Amelia nodded and rose from her chair before stepping around the desk and making for the door, which she then opened. "A capital idea, Ms. Porter. I will keep you apprised of any developments." Amelia closed the door behind Jane, turned to Arrow, and gave him a wry look. "Almost ran her down, did you, Mr. Arrow? She is right, you know...that -is- most unlike you."

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