Epliogue: Shipping Home

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"Flag officer on deck!" boomed Mr. Arrow as Amelia emerged from her cabin; she gave him a short look but he only saluted in response. Amelia returned it as she strode across the deck, her boots thudding lightly on the wooden decking, as she stared across the deck at the blue orb hanging in the space ahead of them. Earth. The foremost planet of humanity. Jane's home..and now, essentially, hers as well. She nodded to it as she looked at Arrow out of the corner of her eye. "Have you ever been there, Mr. Arrow?" The big man shook his head slowly. "No, Admiral." Amelia grimaced inwardly. It was no bad thing to be recognized for your achievements, she knew, but the promotion ceremony seemed to last longer then her whole life. "It's not like I was the only one" she thought as she glanced at the new captain's insignia on Arrow's broad shoulders. He, of course, has endured it stoically, as he did everything.

Arrow breached the silence. "We will be in orbit soon, Admiral. Would you like your launch prepared?" Amelia suddenly snapped back into the present, but managed to recover herself in time as she nodded. "Thank you, Captain. I will make ready; you have the wheel." The man saluted again, she returned it, and then stalked back toward her cabin. She had shut the door behind her when she heard footsteps hurrying across the floor towards her; she glanced up sharply just in time to see Jane moving towards her. The other woman wrapped her arms around Amelia's shoulders and pressed her lips against the newly minted admiral's lips. Amelia's eyes widened in surprise, but then she relaxed and returned the kiss as she embraced Jane. The two remained there for several moments before slowly parting.

Amelia smiled and stroked Jane's back. "Been saving that one for long?" Jane nodded, grinning herself, as she rested her head against Amelia's chest. "You wake up so early that I don't have time before you head out on deck." Her eyes roved up toward Amelia's face. "Are we almost there?" Amelia nodded. "Yes, we're in orbit now...Arrow is preparing the launch for us." She squeezed Jane a little tighter as she tilted her head to look down at the other. "We could leave whenever you wish." Jane slowly nodded as she looked up toward the other's face, and smiled. "I know, but I'm ready. Come; let's not keep my parents waiting."

Professor Porter idly contemplated his clock as he and his wife waited inside the main terminus of the recently constructed spaceport. The sprawling complex was so new that in some areas that paint had not yet dried and, while there had yet been a successful launch of an Earth-built space vessel, Porter was confident that it would happen before the year was out. He glance sideways at his wife, who he was starting to suspect would detonate within the next five minutes. He reached out to rest a comforting hand on her upper arm, as far as he could reach given their differences in height. "Come come, my dear...there is no reason to be nervous. She was with the best ship and the best officer in the Fleet. Our Jane will be -fine-. You'll see."

His wife nodded but still remain stock still, her hands balled into fists, as she stared out at the tarmac in front of the large window. Suddenly one hand raised itself upward and pointed; the professor followed the pointing finger and saw a small shape moving downward through the sky toward them. He removed his glasses with one hand, polished them on his shirt-not noticing the glare his wife gave him- and put them back on. The lenses focused on the small launch steering itself toward the pristine landing field. "It -is- them, my dear! She's coming home!"

The two waited in breathless silence as the launch touched down on its' three legs, settling down, before three figures climbed out; one a naval rating who hefted out a trunk and a small bag, and finally a tall lithe figure in a blue uniform and lastly a smaller female figure, clad in a pair of dark brown skirt and a light green short sleeved blouse with matching hat. Mrs. Porter clapped excitedly and ran toward the exit, her husband following after as fast as his shorter legs could carry him. They reached the door just as Amelia and Jane, with the crewer following behind, entered the building.

"Janneee!" her mother all but shrieked as she enfolded her in a tight embrace, causing Professor Porter to immediately begin to fuss himself. "Now, now, dear, let the poor girl breath. That's right." The professor inserted himself between his wife and daughter before giving Jane a hug of his own before he pulled back, smiling broadly. "It is so good to see you again, my dear." He turned to Amelia, holding out his hand. "And it is good to meet you, Cap...ah, pardon me, Admiral. Jane has told us much about you." Behind him, his wife curtsied slightly. "The pleasure is all ours."

Jane spoke up. "Actually, Daddy, Mother, there is one thing I haven't told you yet." The pair blinked at her; her mother spoke up first. "What's that, dear?" Jane reached out and slowly took hold of Amelia's hand in hers, holding it gently. "We've become rather close. Very close, actually." Amelia eyed the other woman briefly, and then gripped Jane's hand back as she gazed at Jane's mother and father, and smiled. "And I'm very glad that we've gotten this chance to tell you about it so soon."

The four stared at each other in silence in the wake of this announcement; Amelia regarded the older human couple in front of her levelly while Jane worked to try and stop her feet from shuffling as she gripped Amelia's hand. The silence stretched out for what seemed to Jane like an eternity, and then Professor Potter nodded slightly as his wife began to move forward with brisk purpose before coming to stand in front of Amelia, her head tilted slightly back to look into the taller woman's eyes.

"And just what are your intentions toward my daughter, Admiral?" Mrs. Porter asked with a hauteur that not even a duchess could have managed: Jane and Amelia shared a look before Amelia responded. "I love her." Mrs. Porter nodded again. "And do you intend to make an honest woman of her?" This time Amelia looked to Jane, who prompted the other with a small nod: Amelia turned back. "Yes." Again Mrs. Porter nodded as she turned around and began to head for the exit. "Very well, then. We shall adjourn to the house to discuss the wedding." Professor Porter remained still as his wife swept past him before he sauntered up to the couple and favored them with a dry smile. "Glad to have you with us" he said before turning around and following his wife out.

Amelia glanced at Jane, her eyebrows raised. "And that's it?" Jane grinned, sliding her arm through Amelia's, before pressing herself against her lover's side. "Did you expect any other reaction?" Amelia made a vague gesture toward the retreating Porters. "Well...I wasn't expecting to be met with censure and scorn, but it all seemed too easy." Jane smiled as she stood up, pressing her lips to Amelia's cheek, before gently tugging at her arm. "Some battles are more easily won than others. Come on, hero...let's go." Amelia nodded, her hand reaching out to give Jane's a squeeze, before the two walked out, arm in arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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