Chapter 3

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'Teas the next day and Alyssa was still in shock. Confessing to any teacher was bad, but confessing to ugly goose demon? Oh, that was on a whole other level.

" hey, didn't she like...confess her love to mrs goose demon?" Alyssa heard a voice and realised that this person was talking about her!!!!

" yeah ew, who could ever do that!"

" ugh, she's so weird"

"I heard they had a 'one night sleepover' if ya know what I mean"

" ew! Shame on her! She should like, doe or something"

" ok but does anyone know if mrs goose demon agreed...asking for a friend"

Alyssa couldnt stand the people's cruel words. She ran through the school, heading straight to the bathroom. When she arrived there was some one standing in the doorway.... but this wasn't just anyone! It was........................................................IBU ANNE

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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