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Chapter Five

"Wrong turn." An annoyed voice broke the silence.
He ignored her.
"Wrong. Turn." She repeated.
"I said-"
"I heard you, Amber." My father finally spoke, giving my mother an annoyed glare.
"You could have said something, Thomas. God, would it have killed you?" She rolled her eyes, and I noticed her scooting as far away as she could in the passenger seat, leaning her head on the window.
"Amber, I am not going to get in an argument right now. Aaron just fell asleep, and Beth is right there." He said in a warning tone, which made my mother get angrier.
"Oh, so you're using the kids as an accuse?"
"No, I'm just suggesting that we don't argue in the car. We're almost there, and if you're so sure that I made a wrong turn, even though the GPS is right there, I can make a U-Turn if it makes you happy."
Mother scoffed, and then turned around in her seat to look at me.
"Don't worry, Bethie. Daddy is just being stubborn, okay? We'll get to Disney Land soon." She smiled encouragingly, though it was obvious she was being facetious.
"Are you serious? Very mature, Amber." He rolled his eyes, and stopped to pullover near a gas station.
"Thomas, just keep driving. We'll deal with this later." She spoke, and I heard the bit of worry in her voice as he parked the car.
"I'm going to get a bottle of water." He said roughly, then exited the car and slammed the door shut with all his might.
"Mommy, is Dad upset?" A typical eight year old me would ask, confused. My parents rarely argued, so whenever they did, one parent would just leave. It was usually my father.
"No, honey, he's just...hungry. I think he went to get some Cheetos or something. You like Cheetos, don't you?"
I giggled. "Yes!"
"Well, maybe when he comes back I'll go and get you a bag for yourself." She smiled, speaking calmly.
"And one for Aaron?"
"And one for Aaron."

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