Chapter One

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Shuichi's POV...

'Mmmm, where' I had woken up. Strange I don't even remember napping. I opened my eyes to nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just the color white. It seemed peaceful at first glance. No distractions, no people, no worries. But it didn't take long for the the loneliness to hit me 'where was I?' the phrase repeated in my head over and over again. Causing my head to hurt even more then it already was. It was pounding, I jerked my hands up to my head. But something was off. There was some sort of head set on my face. Once I touched it I could hear muffled voices. They seemed so familiar yet so distant. I gained the courage to take the head set off. "ALRIGHT!! Good job sidekick!!" I instantly felt a hand pat me on the back. I looked up and saw a familiar smile, a smile I hated seeing gone. My best friend Kaito Momota, self proclaimed luminary of the stars. "Way to go Shumai!!". I heard another familiar voice, this one wasn't one I desperately wanted to remember. But the fact they were both here. "Kaito, K-Kokichi. You're alive!?!" I jerked my head back in the confusion, causing it to only hurt more. My hands when to my face, I felt warm tears dripping down my cheeks. "Yep! You survived I'm so proud!" I looked back at Kaito to see he was crying as well. "Well I'm glad to see Saihara-Chan missed me" I looked to Kokichi who seemed to me holding back tears himself. But once we locked eyes, his tears seem to just flood out as well. "K-Kokichi?" I yelled, very confused but sad. "take a picture it'll last longer" He managed to get those words out between sobs. I couldn't help but smile at him. He was alive, Kaito was alive, I was alive. Then it hit me, I looked around the room. I was strapped in a chair with a VR helmet hanging above me. The room gave off a hospital room vibe based off of its decorations. "Kaito, was the game, was it all... Virtual Reality?" He looked at me and wiped away his remaining tears. "Yeah, according to Tsumugi it was all for some tv show we signed up for". He scratched the top of his head. Then gave one of his inspirational smiles. "But lets not worry about that right now! There's a certain somebody waiting to be woken up in the other room. Who I bet is dying to see me!" Holy shit! I totally forgot Maki, and Himiko. He began un strapping me from the chair. "Aye Kokichi will you get the other si-". Kaito stops himself after the realization that Kokichi left. "That brat. Listen sorry he had to interrupt our reunion. He was just dying to see you." Kaito pulled me out of the chair and gave me a great big hug. "Now let's go get Maki-Roll!" He let go of me, smiling one more time. Giving me even more hope then I already had. "Yeah!". He grabbed my hand and we ran out of the room, straight towards the next room the read 'Maki Harukawa on the door'.

Maki's POV...
'Huh I won or did I?' I looked around noticing there was nothing. Just emptiness. I sighed, I suppose I didn't win. What a shame. I was looking forward to spending the rest of my life mourning over an idiots death, and a job at a Target near a broken down apartment complex. 'Boring' this must be what it's like after death. Nothingness can't say I dislike it. You find comfort in your own thoughts. I could stay like this forever. I smiled at the thought of being in such a serene environment. That was until a voice. That's right I heard a voice but more importantly his voice "Maki Roll!!! Come on!!! Take the head set off already!" Wide eyed I grabbed to the top of my head pulling of the so called headset. Color coming back to me. A mix of blue and purple. Objects and shapes formed. The voices muffled together. I was strapped to chair in a hospital room setting. I stared at the two boys leaning over me yelling, and crying there hearts out. There stood the only two people I ever cared about. One of them was supposed to be dead. "You're not supposed to be alive..." I sounded harsh, but I couldn't believe he was alive. I watched him die. "Harsh, but fair!" After Shuichi finished unstrapping me. Kaito picked me up and hugged me in the air. "IDIOT!" I screamed. I would've kicked and punched him. But I felt safe in his arms. It took me awhile but I hugged him back, and after a few seconds Shuichi joined in. He was back. We were together again. This wasn't fake. This was real. Kaito was alive. I no longer had to mourn his death. I felt tears stream down my face. Embarrassed I quickly rubbed them away. The other two allowed themselves to stay a complete sobbing mess. "I missed you, even if you are the biggest idiot I've ever met" I sounded whiny it didn't match my words at all. "I knew you would!" Kaito screamed pulling me in tighter. Crying into my shirt. Shuichi let go and began wiping his own tears away with his sleeve. After another five minutes of the two of us hugging he put me down. "Well should we see the others?" Kaito said smiling his ass off. "KAEDE!" Shuichi practically screamed. "Sorry... I just have to see her." He blushed and looked down fidgeting with his fingers. "Oh yeah! She's probably where we are all supposed to meet to discuss... sorry I forgot" Kaito laughed it off. But I just couldn't believe how dumb he was "idiot! Well take us to her!" I walked over to the door and opened it. "Right! I'll lead the way follow me side kicks!" Kaito pointed down the hall and began walking off. I looked at Shuichi and nodded, he nodded back and we ran out after the astronaut that I've grown to love, more than anything else.

Authors note:
Sorry that was a lot shorter then I intended it to be

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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