Travis Pov:

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I sit on my bed listening to Kanye wets new album. Crying because I'm in love with my best friend, Cooper. The skateboarding wavy haired lad. Just thinking about him makes my heart go Awooga!
*Ted calls me* Darn he interrupted my Coopie thoughts, whatever I'll answer him anyways.
"Hey Ted." *Sobbing*
"Dang you sound sad."
"Because I am." : (
"I'm coming over. With cookies."
*Hangs up*
I curl up on my bed sobbing, trying not to wake up Schlatt. I hear a knock on my door and Ted comes in, He's holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies. My favorite! Ted strides over to my bed and sits next to me. I eye the cookies. He sees me looking and feeds it toe. I feel like a wild horse and Ted is the gentle school girl feeding me. I don't think horses can have cookies though...
"So what's wrong man?" Ted asks handing me a glass of milk
*Sobbing* "I-I..."
"Spit it out man!"
*Snot shoots out of my nose*
"I'm in love with Cooper!"
Ted looks at me like :0
"What's the look for?" I ask
"I already know."
"You guys have been play a game of sexy cat and mouse for months without even knowing. I've just been waiting for one of you to realise!"
Schlatt Wakes up hearing everything Travis and was Schlattshocked, he was so oblivious but had something up his sleeve.
"Hey Travis." He said with an ominous voice.
Travis shakes in fear and runs out of the room crying. At the same time Cooper ran out of the room and they crashed into eachother falling on top of eachother, lips locking. I push up on his manly breasts, flustered we pull apart and I can see a light blush on his face.
"oh my gosh Coopie I'm so sorry!" I scream loudly.
"It's ok." He says with his yellow tinted teeth shining. I want to kiss him again but that would be weird. I cup his face with my mighty hand "Coopie... I think I'm in love with someone."
"Wo who?"
"I can't say."
"Can you text me it?"
"...yeah..." *Crying*

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