Cooper's Pov

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As I grab Travis' hand to comfort him, I'm hit with a sudden realization. I'm in love with Travis. I convinced myself I was straight this whole time but it turns out I'm in love with my best friend. I can't tell him. Even though he's gay he would nevev love me.
Schlatt bursts in, inturrupting my thoughts, we ran out of the building ailing our arms.
When I get back to my dorm I get a text. It's from Travis!

Travis: you wanted to know who I like?

Cooper: yeah

Travis: I will give you a hint

Cooper: ok

Trav: he's blond and handsome and funny and nice and we talk a lot and he sticks up for me.

Coop: OMG!

Trav: yeah I know

Coop: you're in love with Daddy Carson!

Trav: NO! EW!

Coop: then who?

Trav: you you idiot!

Coop: fr tho?

Trav: yeah! :)

Coop: I love you too Trav! :)

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