chapter 1

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I stroke my finger along the wall as dust and dirt coat my index, leaving a tinge of black to mark a memory. The smell of marijuana fills my nose, causing me to scrunch my face up in disgust. I don't want to be here. The Luminant lights flash in my eyes, creating a disco in my irises. Some explicit rap song invades my ears, causing me to flush in my cheeks. "Mya, what are you doing? Snap out of it chic and get your skinny ass over here," Grace distracts me from my melodramatic vibe, and reminds me of where I am. At a stupid frat party. My roommate Grace insisted I tag along to what she does every Friday night, "Party the fuck out of the weekend." Clearly, she doesn't know me enough yet, I love her to bits, but she is a little too crazy for my liking. "So, you in the mood for some booze?" Grace asks, a huge smile spreading her face.

"You clearly don't know me enough," I return, but she still grabs my hand and tugs me into the kitchen. The size of the island bench would be impressive if it weren't filled with red cups and empty glass bottles. Plenty of college students fill the room and laugh about last week's hockey game, and how they supposedly "smashed" the opposing team. Their foul language causes me to scoff, and grace swings her head over her shoulder to address me,

"If you want to make friends, don't look so judgemental,"

"You and I both know you dragged me here against my will. I am certainly not here to make friends,"

I respond in pure judgment. I snatch the red cup out of her hand and take a swig, certainly not my style, but since I am here with a bunch of idiots, I may as well act like one too. Grace smiles dramatically and throws her arm over my shoulder as she leads me into the pit of it all. As we enter the room filled with drunk people, I follow Grace to a couch close to a group of people. I find myself lurking around the room, and notice how conservatively dressed I am. My black skinny jeans with my red turtleneck make me stick out like a sore thumb.

"Mya!" Grace yells over the music, snapping her fingers in my face.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking," I respond, and Grace tilts her head to a group of people now sitting on the couches around us. She goes through each person, introducing me to them, and telling them

"Her name is Mya and she's a freshman," Each person just smiles at me and says a slurry "Hey."

"Okay, now that we have got introductions out of the way, let's get on with the game," A boy with shaggy blonde hair says, as everyone else nods their heads in agreement. As confusion floods my thoughts as for what game these people could be talking about, my doubts are answered as an empty beer bottle gets placed in the middle of the coffee table, and the boy takes his spin. The head of the bottle lands on Grace, he strides over and slants his face to the side as his lips meet hers. Everyone around the room cheers "Ben!" as they make out for what seems minutes. Once Ben takes his seat, the boy next to him spins the bottle. It lands on a blonde with her boobs hanging out of her top, and her shorts an inch away from her hips. As these two lock lips, I look away from the scene ignoring the flush in my cheeks. I lock eyes with the boy sitting to the left of Ben, and he lifts his eyebrows in sheer response to this ridiculous game. I copy his gesture and he giggles to himself before taking a sip of his drink.

"Alright, who's next!?" Ben yells in pure excitement as if this game were turning him on. Answering his own question, he says, "Austin, take your spin,"

"Nah man, I'm not playing," The boy who I just made eye contact with responds.
"Captain must always play by the rules," Ben retaliates, as everyone prompts him on in agreement. Austin rolls his eyes and leans forward to spin the bottle. He sits back and watches the glass as it slows down to point right in my direction. My heartbeat increases and my palms begin to sweat. There is no way I am going forward with this.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not playing," I say, confronting the group. Eyes dart to mine, and Austin's eyebrows do that thing again.

"It's just a game princess, won't ruin your precious reputation," Ben mocks me.

"Grace, you don't have to, but like..." She doesn't finish her sentence, only looking at me insinuating me not doing this will ruin her reputation. Is she actually serious? Before I can walk away, Austin grabs my waist and pulls me towards him, his lips slant over mine as he grabs my hair for grip. I can't help but lean my hips into his, feeling a slight bulge in the crouch of his jeans. He grips my arse and squeezes lightly, and I open my mouth allowing his tongue access. I can taste his drink on his tongue, and it leaves me wanting more. I tilt my head to the right, allowing him deeper access into my mouth. The loudness from the cheers of the group pulls me out of my irrational act. I pull my mouth away from his. I look at Austin and the smugness and smile on his face.
"Enjoy that princess?" He asks me.

"Fuck you," I respond, as I storm away from the couch wanting to forget what just happened with the captain of the hockey team, and why I enjoyed it so much.

Hello guys! This is my new story. If you're interested in me continuing please follow me, along with commenting and rating!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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