2- Sweet Dreams

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After crafting George and himself some iron tools and shields, Clay suggested that they go look for a ravine.

They packed up their furnaces and started traveling. After wandering through the plains for a few minutes, they saw a group of brown spots in the distance. Clay snickered as he realized what they were.

"It's like moo moo meadows or something," he said, gesturing to the cows in front of them. George giggled and rolled his eyes. Clay grinned at his friend's reaction. It was such a stupid joke, but it never failed to get George to smile. And that, for Clay, was the best part.

"Do we have any flint and steel?" George asked once they had gotten closer.

Clay searched through his inventory. "I have flint," he said, pulling out the black rock, "and I have iron, so yes." He handed both items to George who walked over to the nearest cow.

"Hopefully this works." He squatted down under the grazing cow and struck the flint and steel together. Instantly, the entire block in front of him burst into flames, lighting the cow and singing the hair on his hands and forearms. He shouted in surprise and began stomping out the flames.

The cow, meanwhile, was bucking everywhere, understandably panicked that it was on fire. Unsure of what to do or where to go, it charged blindly.

Clay's eyes got wider and wider as the flaming cow got closer and closer to him. His fight or flight failed to kick in due to the absurd sight, and he simply stood where he was, petrified.

He screamed in utter terror and closed his eyes, accepting his fate: death by cow. But after a few moments, he realized that he was still just fine. He cracked an eye open and saw George, weapon drawn, standing over some cooked beef.

They were both shocked and silent before George made eye contact and burst out laughing. "Told you you'd be killed by a cow."

"I-" Clay began, but was interrupted by a gigantic snort from George. He joined in on the laughter after the panic subsided. "Maybe let's not use flint and steel anymore," he suggested.

George pocketed the item and kept his sword in hand. "Good plan."

After killing the rest of the cows in a more traditional way, George stopped and asked Clay for any leather he had. Clay munched on an apple as his friend picked a yellow flower and began crafting. "Why do you always make a helmet?"

George finished crafting and turned around, striking a pose with his new hat on. "Jealous?" He imitated a model's serious expression before breaking character.

"What- no! I'm just curious." The pair resumed their travel, making their way around small ponds.

"It's a fashion statement," George said, retrieving his clout glasses from his inventory. "Along with these glasses." He put them on and made a goofy expression.

Clay's heart jumped in his chest at the sight. "Yeah, everyone's falling head over heels for you," he half joked. "Hey, isn't it weird how we got clothes that are kind of like our skins in Minecraft?"

George nodded. "I think the weirdest part is that you aren't in some sort of green bodysuit or something."

Clay laughed. "Thank everything that is good that I'm not." Honestly, he had wondered the same thing once he had seen George in an outfit exactly like his Minecraft character's- red logo and all.

"Hey, do you think if I had an animal skin, I'd be dressed as a furry right now?" George asked as he trudged up a hill.

"Oh my gosh, you totally would." He pictured his friend in a bright blue wolf costume but immediately rejected the idea. "And you'd be stuck wearing it."

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