give it time

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It's now later in the week and rumor is that Tobias or the school slut, metalhead, pretty boy much rather has been suspended for that stunt in the janitors closet with that girl. The Bell Range and I went into the class room. It was loud with students talking, so loud that I couldn't even hear my music. Seconds later the teacher walks in saying "alright quiet please" let us begin. We pulled out are text books and he gave a lecture and blah blah blah. He then wrote a few questions on the board and sat in his desk grading another classes assignment. Then the door opened and in came the beautiful dirty blonde wrapped in leather, he handed a late slip to the teacher before taking a seat at the back of the class room, I was mesmerized watching his every move. I couldn't help but stare but he didn't notice me creepily staring at him. I really want to get to know him but don't know how to talk to him.he stood up and walked to the pencil sharpener to sharpen his pencil. this was the perfect opportunity. I tor used pages out of my note book and walked over to the recycling bin by the pencil sharpener. I stood in front of him and put the pages in one by one Staring at him finally I can get a good look, his hair was back combed like an 80s hair metal band member he was wearing a leather vest over a motley crew t-shirt, red leather pants with several belts . he looked up at me with his beautiful green eyes I looked right back I was in awe. He was trying to seem tough and intimidating on the outside but looking in his eyes I could see a scarred boy who wants to love but can't trust. It broke my heart. He looked back at the pencil that was just about Sharp enough to his liking. "Hey" oh my Satan he spoke up his voice was sort of on the high pitched side. " Hey" i replied stunned. " I guess I'm no longer the only metalhead in this shitty school huh" I was confused until I realized that he means me " oh yeah " I said, he looked me up and down before saying "death metal huh" " yes sir" I say like a soldier responding to a drill Sargent. He gave me a sarcastic smile then rolled his eyes "oh great" I quickly felt sad because of his response. It couldn't help but show on my face, tears  quickly flooded my eyes. He tried to stay bitchy but I could tell that he was hurt by how hard I suddenly fell into sadness. He sucked in his cheeks making his pink lips pout before flipping his hair over his shoulder and storming off. I quickly got my shit together wiped my tears away and sat back down. Class soon ended and I was the first out the door. And hurried to my locker. I just pondered about that pretty metal boy , he was so cold. But we're the only metalheads in the whole damn school so we gotta band together right? I wasn't gonna give up and I knew exactly what to do to tell him that I'm the same page and if he wants he could roll with me. I grabbed a few things and searched around the cafeteria just in case of a small chance that he might be there. AND HE WAS. Yes I thought . He was in the corner drinking soda and back combing his hair with a little black comb. I walked over to him and sat down next to him on the bench he kind of looked at me with an oh hey but disguised it as a what the fuck are you doing here. I just pulled out my boombox from my back pack and put it on the table with a thump and then quickly slammed a cassette in the ejected slot closed it and pressed play after a few second of silence the guitar riff of your in love by ratt starts to play. Not even five seconds before i see him perk up from the corner of my eye. I  glanced at him and he's looking down continuing to comb his hair pouting his pink lips. God damn he's just to pretty I thought. As the song continues I see him almost head bang here and there. But overall he was pretty good at keeping his composure. As the cassette continued he tapped his toe here and there and was examinating me more more each song I just pretended to not notice and ate my lunch the Bell Range and the boy stormed of. I hope to befriend him but I'll have to give it time.

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