he's got looks that kill

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So it's been a few weeks of staring at pretty boy in second period but not seeing him at lunch ever since that time I played that ratt cassette to impress him. He still doesn't seem to notice or care about my staring but every one else is starting to notice. Today we were doing a group project while everyone is hard at work i stare and dream, I was pulled out of my dream by a voice that said "your really staring down that glammy boy , what's up with that" "huh" I said trying to act confused by her question " girl come on I see you mentally undressin that boy everyday bitch" "go talk to him" "nah,nah,nah I can't" I replied embarrassed. A few people in our group just fell silent and listened in to our conversation. " Wait hold up you like Tobias ". Tobias perked up because he heard his name I crumbled into a ball of shame because now everyone knows due to the big fuss that some girl made about it." "Please hush" I pleaded. But to late Tobias heard every word. he just looked down at his nails and crossed his legs like the classy hoe he is. Soon class ended and I rushed out in a hurry and embarrassed. "Shit, shit, shit ugh he knows the fuck do I do things are Weird now" I thought to myself. Well it's painful but he already knows now I might as well show him how deep these feelings go the only way a glam metalhead will understand. After school I wait for Tobias to leave get his stuff out of his locker and leave I knew where his locker was because of those times walking out of school and seeing him getting his stuff. So he finally closed his locker and locked it before leaving . Then through one of the slits in the locker door i slipped a piece of paper that reads as follows

Now listen up he's razor sharp if he don't get his way he'll slice you apart now he's a cool , cool black he moves like a cat if you don't get his name you might not make it back he's got the looks that kill, he's got the looks that kill, he's got the looks that kill.

I went home excited for the next day second period Rolled around and Tobias did not acknowledge me at all just minding his own business as usual. Until he walked passed me and dropped a folded piece of paper on my desk he threw something in the garbage before walking back to his desk and sitting back down. I picked up the paper and read it, it said as follows

You know you really wanna lay it down right now and how.

and how, and how? Under the words and how he scribbled a red line. "Oh I get it". I left another note in his locker that reads as follows

702 baby St 7:00 tonight
Lay it down, lay it down

Now sitting at home it's 6:57 and I'm nervous as hell not gonna lie it's unreal I never thought he would've just ignored it and completely disregard me. I hope he shows up but I'm scared I don't know how to handle all that boy. What's he like, how... Big is he. I blushed just thinking about it. Visions of me and the thin pale boy kissing and moaning flashed through my mind. Then I heard three knockes on the door. Butterflys swormed in my stomach, I was almost gonna get sick I held my stomach for a second took a deep breath and opened the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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