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A hooded figure ran across the rooftops.
"Shit.boss is gonna kill me if I don't get back soon" the figure muttered as he leaped across a large gap between buildings.

It was quite surprising actually, one day a young boy showed up and scared the living hell out of their abusive boss then after, staying and helping them for a while then got fed up and killed the boss without a second thought. The 10 yr old boy had become their leader afterwards and their group had shot up to the top of the villain society in a few months and their anonymous master was feared by all. Otherwise he was a protective and caring boss that gave them extra pay on days he was happy. All of the LoV love him even though he's now a teen and not half as sane as any of them.

The dark figure slunk through the shadows outside of an old bar, glanced both ways, and entered through a nearly invisible door. As he silently slid in and eased the door closed a tapping noise echoed around the room. Slowly turning away from the door his eyes widened and a barely audible "shit" slipped through his lips.
"Umm...hi?" The terrified man greeted, steadying himself for what was going to come next.
The stony silence and glare said all it needed to and they walked further into their dark base.

"Would you mind explaining, why, exactly you have been gone all night?" The fatal teenage boss questioned, looking over at the digital clock.


Fuck. The hooded man hadn't planned of staying out that late, but had obviously been distracted by the night and adrenaline that had came with it.
"Um..." he stuttered then caved under the feral, insane look he was being given. "I-I was with my boyfriend," he rushed only half prepared for the next events.
"...... Boyfriend!" The younger man hissed. "And for how long has this been going on!" He demanded anger the only decipherable thing shown in his eyes.
"Err, a year now." Was the only reply given.
"And why haven't I been informed!" Fumed the leader.
"Umm,"the petrified male gulped but before he could reply, the angry teen butted in.

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