Chapter 14

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Anne smiles as they get seated and holds Cathy's hand under the table. Elizabeth and Mae were across from them and were both grinning widely. Then to Cathys's left there was  Catherine and Jane with Edward and Mary across from them and then at the top of the table was Kitty and Anna. They weren't even across from each other. They were taking advantage of the tables shape. And frankly, Anne found it adorable. There's a brief silence as everyone looks at the menus, Mae and Elizabeth sharing because there wasn't enough to go around.
"Look at them. They're practically the best of friends" Cathy whispers, taking a photo and sending it to Anne.
"I know right?" Anne whispers as a waitress walks over with some kids menus.
"I thought your younger daughters might like these" she says, putting them in front of Mae and Elizabeth before walking away.
"I...I'm...I'm fifteen" Elizabeth says, her eyes wide in disbelief.
"Lizzie, you look twelve. Even with the makeup on" Mary says, sniggering a little.
"No I don't" Elizabeth mutters, going back to her menu. Anne chuckles at this and reaches across the table with her free hand to poke one of Elizabeth's cheeks which successfully makes her laugh. After a while, the waitress returns and takes everyone's orders and the menus.
"So. Do you guys have any fun stories from school?" Anne asks and Edward nods.
"Yeah! My music class joined up with Elizabeth's and Mary's and we're doing this huge showcase thing. And they didn't even arrest Manox just gave him a warning and left him go back to work which is soooo dumb" he says with a huff as he leans back in his seat.
"Yeah and my class and I kicked Mary's teachers...rear end"
"Yeah. He wasn't expecting you guys to go ham" Mary says with a chuckle "I've been making slight changes to his stuff and it's been driving him insane" she adds and Elizabeth chuckles.
"Yeah that ten centimetre change in his chair was priceless. Right off the stage!" She says and Anna laughs.
"Dudes you made him fall off stage?!"
"And Elaine got a video!" Elizabeth says, pulling out her phone and showing them the video.
"Totally serves him right" Anne says, looking at Kitty who was smiling and leaning against Anna who was laughing so hard she was crying.
"Oh! And I found out Barnaby is in my class. He got reincarnated too" Edward says and Elizabeth grins.
"So that's who you were talking to?"
"Yeah! That's who it was alright. My old best friend. But of course aside from him I also have Evie, Luke and Jack" Edward says with a smile.
"And what about the rest of you. Have you gotten best friends?" Kitty asks.
"Yeah. I have Alissa, Karli and Jo" Mary says as she sips her water
"I have Mia and Elaine. They're awesome" Elizabeth says with a smile.
"And I have just one best friend. Her name is Lucille. But I do have lots of friends" Mae says.
"Me too. But my best friends are the coolest"
"Yeah this one is super popular" Mary says, pointing to Elizabeth who giggles.
"What about crushes?" Anne asks and gets struck with confusion as Elizabeth falls silent and looks down at her hands.
"Lizzie? Love are you okay?"
"Yeah It's just...I...I umm... I kinda have a crush on Elaine" Elizabeth mumbles and Anne smiles.
"You do?" She says softly and Elizabeth nods, blushing a little.
"That's great love. I bet that you two would be a great couple" she says and Elizabeth looks up smiling.


"I for one, don't have a crush on anyone" Mary says, her cheeks tinted red.
"Yes you do! Who is it? Oooh is it that guy...Ben? The guy playing Warner?" Elizabeth says and Mary blushes more. Cathy chuckles at this and Mary groans.
"You don't miss a thing do you?" She mutters and Elizabeth smiles, her eyes bright.
"I was panicked enough to miss the fact that my mom would be cool with me liking a girl though if that helps the case"
"I don't have a crush anyways. So don't you go assessing me" Edward says, looking at Elizabeth who just smiles.
"Lizzie and Mary are the only ones with crushes then" Mae says and Elizabeth smiles.
"I guess so!" She says and Cathy smiles, looking between them both.
"Oh! And my year is visiting Mae's on Monday to do a sports day thing. It's gonna be awesome" Elizabeth says as the waitress comes with their starters and drinks. There's a brief silence as they eat and Cathy sees Anne's leg bouncing out of the corner of her eye.
"Hey babe? You okay?" She whispers and Anne nods.
"Yeah. You know me. Can't keep still!" She says and Cathy chuckles, kissing Anne's cheek. The waitress takes the stuff from the starters away and Cathy smiles, holding Anne's hand under the table and watches as Elizabeth and Mae get into a very serious game of connect four on Elizabeth's phone. It was adorable. Eventually the main course comes and Anne smiles as she looks at Cathy who was chatting to Jane while eating. Then at Elizabeth who was chatting to Mae about school stuff.

A little later

Dessert was on the way and it was officially time. Anne reaches into her bag and taps Cathy's shoulder, pulling her up so they're both standing and then getting onto one knee.
"Cathy I've loved you from the first moment I saw you. I didn't expect that we'd ever end up together. With kids. And I want to spend the rest of this lifetime with you. I love you. Will you marry me?" She says, holding the ring out and Cathy smiles, holding out a ring too.
"Is this an answer enough?" She says and Anne laughs, standing up and kissing her. They put the rings on each other and laugh when Elizabeth and Mae run around the table to hug them. What could be better than a double proposal? The others all clap and are joined by people around them. Anne smiles and pulls Cathy in for another kiss, feeling like she was floating.

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