Chapter 2

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Sevyn's life quickly flashed before her eyes when she was forcefully slammed into the door of an abandoned building by the tall scary man

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Sevyn's life quickly flashed before her eyes when she was forcefully slammed into the door of an abandoned building by the tall scary man. He wasted no time running after her like a wild animal hunting down its prey. The action took her breath away when her side connected to the door making her double over.

G roughly snatched her back upright while pinning her against the door. She fought the urge to scream out in agony at the sensation of her ribs being crushed. All the girl wanted to do was make it back to the studio without anyone noticing her but, of course, she failed at that. Like Susan told her she simply couldn't do shit right. Cause here she was getting snatched up by a random man again for a second time today. She had to be caught in the middle of something crazy bad things always seemed to happen to her.

G who she recently watched murder someone in cold blood was currently yanking her around like a rag doll. The worst part was that she couldn't even see straight due to her swollen eye and the rain that was pouring down. It was as if God opened the sky and decided to pour a million buckets of water down from heaven.

"Click!" That snapped her out of her thoughts quickly. G had the cold metal pressed against her throat.

"You must wanna die today too." He gritted through clenched teeth.

Again Sevyn couldn't make out his features but his cold demeanor and rough voice sent chills down her spine she knew his face had to match it. She made out a tattoo on his left hand that read Jodie but that was it.

"W-why does it matter who I am? If you're going to kill me get it over w-with." She gritted back fiercely. Of course, she didn't want to die despite the need for all her pain to end but, if he was going to do it she rather him do it quick and put her out of her misery.

"Looks like nobody gives a fuck about you anyway." G spat. He grabbed her face roughly causing her to scream out in agony. This time she couldn't hold it back. Her eye was swollen shut and the skin around it was sensitive. Her whole damn face felt like she was slapped with a brick. The forceful action of him squeezing her face caused it to feel like she had been slapped with two bricks instead of one. He kicked open the door to the abandoned building at the sound of her loud screams. G yanked her into the building. He smirked knowing if he continued to torture her like this then she would break. Sevyn took notice of the hole in the roof of the building with her good eye. The rain was pouring in like a waterfall.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled. I could kill your raggedy as right now and no one would even care to look for you." He chuckled a sinister throaty sound. The sad part was Sevyn knew it was the truth. She didn't have a soul in this cold cruel ass world that cared about what happened to her.

The cold steel metal dug deeper into her neck causing tears to escape from her eyes. He couldn't see her tears because they blended in with the pouring rain. However, he could see how run down she looked. One look at Sevyn and he could tell she was pretty much on her own. Her run-down clothes and the bruises on her face added to his assumption that no one gave a damn about the girl in fact everything about her screamed she was an easy kill. His trigger finger twitched at the thought of her being dumb enough to continue to withhold her name from him so he squeezed her face harder. He knew how to get the answers he wanted it was a talent of his.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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