4. Sweaty Jackets

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Harry: You're the absolute worst best friend

Nick: Oh you love me

Harry: You literally made me admit to the whole world that I have a crush on Zayn!

Nick: It wasn't that bad. I only asked how you felt about him naked

Harry: Yeah, on a heart rate monitor thingy. Now everyone knows

Nick: Relax Harry, I edited it. No one will see your heart rate during that question

Harry: Lord, I hope not. It'd be so embarrassing Nick.

Nick: I knew you liked the man, I had no idea it was that bad. I I thought you were going to give yourself a heart attack lol

Harry: Stop laughing at me

Nick: Oh it was fun, admit it

Harry: I still hate you

Nick: Yeah yeah


Harry: Tell me why you thought telling everyone we don't talk was a good idea again

Zayn: Agh, are we still on that. I thought we talked of it the other day

Harry: Every reporter I'm meeting is asking me what I think about what you said.

Zayn: I'm sorry I said it babe, don't know why I did it

Harry: To be a huge dick? And I don't mean the one in your pants

Zayn: If you want to see my dick, all you have to do is ask Harreh

Harry: Already seen it, nothing to write home about

Zayn: Zayyyyn! Right there! I love that fucking dick, give me all of it!

Harry: I never said that😑

Zayn: No, you didn't. You SCREAMED it. I swear the whole neighborhood could hear I was fucking you.

Harry: Oh shut up🙈🙈 You're embarrassing me

Zayn: Harderrrrr

Harry: Zayn! I don't want to talk to you anymore

Zayn: Aw, am I making you blush babe? Wish I could see that 🥺🥺🥺

Harry: You could come over?

Zayn: I can't

Harry: 🙄

Whatever, I have to go

Zayn: Babe

Harry: What do you want from me Zayn?

Zayn:I don't know


Harry: That's rich coming from a man who doesn't even want people to think we talk🙄

Zayn: It's not as easy as it sounds. I just...being gay is something I never thought about. It's a bit too late in my life to have a sexual identity crisis

Harry: We had sex, that doesn't make you gay. You could be bi or even straight

Zayn: How do I know?

Harry: So I'm your therapist too now?

Zayn: Stop being a smartass Harreh, I'm serious

Harry: I'm sorry, you're too fun to tease😂😂 But alright,  I'll be serious now
Are you still attracted to women?

Zayn: Uhm...I guess?

Harry: What about men?

Zayn: ....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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