|| authors note ||

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I do not own Titanic. I only own
my character Evelyn, and some
plot lines or dialogue I added in.

Although in my story, Evelyn is the
main character, I will add some Jack
and Rose scenes (because I love their
relationship), and those will be in
Rose's point of view.

Lily Collins is the face claim for

Evelyn is 15 (going on 16, her
birthday is in May)
She is small (as mentioned in the
story) her height being 5'1.

I really do hope you guys enjoy this

I love the movie Titanic, it is my
favorite movie. And this is my first
fan-fic based on the movie. So I'm
excited to share the story.

And for anyone who hasn't seen the
film, I recommend watching it.
1. It's an amazing movie, so you should watch it anyway.
And 2. This fic might be a little confusing if you haven't seen the movie.

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