"Don't Wanna Fall in Love"

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Mina turned up the music a bit, playing it through her phone as she took a seat on one of the green-blue couches. 

"A week off school guys, isn't that awesome?", Mina asked, stretching her arms out before putting them behind her head and resting on them. 

"It wasn't even our class that was caught up in that incident, I don't think they should have cancelled all classes.", Iida said, taking a seat on the couch next to Mina.

"Of course you don't.", Mineta grabbed a purple soda from the fridge in the kitchen next to the main area. Kirishima walked down into the lobby, dragging Bakugo behind him. Kaminari was following behind them. 

"So what are we doing down here, having some meeting? Did Iida set this up?", Kaminari asked. He was carrying a box of box of soda in both hands.

"Well I thought since we don't have school... we could relax a little. I got permission from Aizawa.", Mina was sort of lying about getting permission from Aizawa. Technically, she did, but not for the same thing he gave her permission for. She asked him if she could have a "small late night party" with the girls. It wasn't that bad, it was just with all the boys too. 

"I'm not sitting down here at this shitty "party" you're throwing!", Bakugo was complaining to Kirishima as Kirishima begged him to stay and "lay back a bit". 

"C'mon bro, you never do anything like this! Please!", Eijirou had his hands together, almost bowing in front of the ash-blonde. Eventually, he got the angry teen to stay, even though he hated it. The nine teens, Todoroki, Deku, Ashido, Uraraka, Iida, Kirishima, Bakugo, Mineta, and Kaminari all sat on the couches in the main room, talking about heroes, video-games, and random things going on in their lives.

"I'm bored. Who wants to play a game?", Mina jumped up in excitement.

"A game, Ashido?", Iida had his arms crossed as he looked up at Mina. Mina nodded.

"Yeah! Like... hide n' seek... or like- spin the bottle, but Truth or Dare addition?", Mina clapped her hands. Kaminari nodded.

"I like the idea of the second one.", the electric boy said.

"No...~", a voice came from above, everyone's eyes immediately going to the ceiling, "I was thinking... a game of hide and seek!", the lights went out and nobody could see anything.

"AH! What the-?", Ashido looked around the pitch black room, hearing quick foot-steps, shuffling, and muffled words.

"Mmph- dmpht- hpmh-!", she could tell that was Kaminari's voice though. She hung out with him enough to know. 

"Denki! Are you okay?! What's happening?-", A hand grabbed Mina's wrist, pulling her behind one of the couches. Mina could barely see out in front of her, but she felt a finger pressed against her lips. She wanted to ask who it was, but she kept quiet. 

"WHO THE HELL?!-", that was clearly Bakugo, but he was cut off before there was complete silence. Complete. Silence. Not a sound. 

"...Ashido...?", it was Todoroki's voice. It was low and it kind of soothed her. 

"Todoroki? What happened?", Mina asked, not bothering to lower her voice as she slowly stood up, her eyes darting around the dark room, even though she knew she still couldn't see anything. Todoroki slowly rised as well, holding onto the couch for support. A villain had cut his leg. 

"I think we were attacked..."

"Really? No- I thought it was all part of the game...!", Mina huffed, "IS EVERYONE OKAY?! CAN YOU GUYS HEAR-", Todoroki covered her mouth with his hand. 

"Shhh! We don't know if anyone is still in here-"

"I know, that's why I-... right, villains too, got that. Sorry.", Mina apologized quietly, lowering her voice to a whisper finally. Todoroki nodded. They waited in silence for a minute or two, before the lights flickered a bit before coming back on. The two looked around the room, only to see that no one else was left behind. Not even Mineta. Todoroki stepped out from behind the couch, almost tripping over the soda can left by Mineta. 

"Why would... they take everyone? Who even took everyone? Do you think it was the League of Villains?", Todoroki looked over at Mina, who was picking up a shoe left by Iida. That was probably gonna drive that guy crazy. 

"Probably, those guys are crazy! They've already tried taking one of us like- twice, right?! Do we ever get a break...?", Mina gripped her arms, whining slightly. 

"Apparently not. Should we call someone?-"

"No! We're going after them ourselves! It's personal at this point, Todoroki! Can't you agree? They basically took all your friends. And Bakugo for the second time! Don't you want to get back at them?", Mina grabbed Todoroki by the shoulders, shaking him slightly. 

"Well, yes, but not exactly. Besides, getting a teacher and some pro-heroes would help our situation so much more.", Todoroki had his eyebrows raised slightly. Mina sighed. 

"C'mon Todoroki, we're heroes in the making! Here, we'll patch your leg up, then get going. We'll have them back before morning, I'm sure of it.", Mina runs to the kitchen, returning with bandages, "I have no idea why we're keeping these under the sink, but here!", she tossed him the bandage roll. Todoroki looked at Mina with a "seriously?" look on his face. Mina jogged over to him and helped him to the couch.


"I'll bandage you up, I know how this stuff works.", Mina started bandaging Todoroki's leg.

"Ashido, that isn't it. We can't go out on a mission like this, not under these conditions. They just took class 1-A's top student with ease, Ashido. They took Midoriya, who is strong enough to beat a villain like Muscular, so we aren't really a match for them-"

"Todoroki!", Ashido tightened the bandage around Todoroki's leg, making him wince in pain, "Don't say that, we can take them! We've taken the League of Villains before, hell, you've fought stain alongside Midoriya! And you're strong too, so either I'm going by myself, or you're coming with me!", she finished bandaging him.

"... Ashido-"

"Pick. One.", Ashido stared up at Todoroki, stubborn-ness clearly in her eyes.

"... I'm coming with you."

SHIT THAT TOOK ME TWO HOURS! I'm multi-tasking, alright? This better get reads like my smut books. 


Also, no, I don't ship Mina with Icyhot. No. Just no. 

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