Chapter 1 - Lights

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"Stop!" I laughed. Barbara nudged me while I was trying to get my pencil skirt on, intending to make me fall over.

"2 minutes girls!" The director yelled. I could already hear the cameras flashing outside, and none of us were even on the runway yet.

"How do you feel about that skirt?" Barbara asked. It was Chanel, Of course I loved it. But it was a little tight.

"It's pretty, I just hope I can walk in it!" I said. Not to mention the fact that I'm wearing heels.

"You know, you get used to the tight outfits after a while." She laughed.

The makeup woman fixed the both of us up, and then the rest of the girls. I gave Barb a smile before grabbing my umbrella and walking out into the blinding flashing lights. I strutted down the sparkling white walkway, feeling undoubtedly superior. The room was designed to appear as if it was outside in winter snow, so it felt funny because it was pretty warm in here. Cameras flashed from left to right, people argued over spots to get to me, and girls admired the gorgeous outfit. My heart was racing, and I focused towards the end of the room with a serious face- keeping my feet at a steady pace. I posed at the end of the runway, and went back. Barbara gave me a high-five before walking out. That was our last walk, so I headed to my dressing room.

"Hey, nice job girl." Cara hugged me, still in line.

"Thanks! You too, see you next week." I smiled. We blew each other kisses before I walked away to my dressing room.

I admired the bedazzled "Paige" tag on the door. I opened it. Inside, Jack was sitting on the pink couch. When he noticed me come in, he grinned and came up to hug me.

"You're so gorgeous, I'm proud. Great show honestly. I didn't think I'd ever be into fashion shows.." He smiled.

I giggled at him. "Thank you." He gave me a kiss on the lips.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it.

"Hey Don!" I hugged him.

He brought in his niece, Kellie.

"Hey cutie!" I reached my arms out for a hug. She ran up and gave me a tight hug.

"You did so good! And you smell amazing! I loved Barbara Palvin's outfit.. Ooh! And Cara Delevingne's! Perfect! Especially yours."

"Well, I hope it looks good because I get to keep it." I grinned down at the sparkly Chanel outfit.

"Paige, you did phenomenal. All of the photographers wanted photos of you. I really made a wise decision by putting you into this show. You'll get so much publicity."

"It was my pleasure! I had a lot a fun, and I get to keep this thing. All is well." I smiled.

"Well I just stopped by to say congratulations and to bring Kellie to see you guys."

We both looked over at Jack talking to Kellie. I swooned over how cute he was with kids.

"Alright Kellie, we should probably go if you want to see Harry!" Don said.

She widened her eyes and ran back over.

"Bye guys!" She ran out the door. Don laughed.

"Harry Styles?" I asked.

He nodded. We all understood the obsession with One Direction.

"Thanks Don. I'll see you next week." I hugged him again.

"Great job. See ya." He left.

I immediately walked over to my bag and grabbed my comfy Chanel shirt and skirt. I felt like it fit perfectly for the occasion, so why not? I grabbed at the sparkly skirt I had on and tried getting it off. God. Was this even possible?

"Jack will you unzip this damn thing?!" I said, frustrated.

He walked over and unzipped it with ease. He took it off for me, and then took the top off as well. I slipped on my other shirt and skirt real quick and put on my sandals. Not too wise to choose open toed shoes, because it's December.

"Thank you." I said.

He grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arms around me.

"Love youuuuuu." He dragged out the word.

"Ew." I joked.



He started giving me big wet kisses all over my cheek. I squirmed and tried to escape his hold.

"Jack!!" I yelled, giggling.

"Say you love me." He started licking my cheek.

"EW! I LOVE YOU!" I said.

He laughed and spun me around so I was facing him. He cupped my face and kissed me.

"The driver's outside." He smirked at me.

I grabbed my things and put them into my bag before walking out of the room. I greeted/congratulated a few of the models on the way out. When I opened the front door, I was immediately bombarded with camera lights and screaming fans. Jack held his hand up to block everyone. We waved at the fans, but couldn't get over to them. When we got in the car, we immediately both rolled down the windows and started saying hi to them.

"I'm sorry! We couldn't get to you!" I yelled. Pretty positive nobody heard me with all the screaming and commotion. Some were even crying.

"I LOVE YOU PAIGE!" A large group yelled in sync. I smiled and waved.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I yelled.

When we got out of the venue, I rolled up the window.

"So, are you guys ready?" Our driver, Wayde, asked.

We both looked at each other with a big smile and looked back at him, nodding.



This story is a sequel to Be My First 2 - A Jack Gilinsky Fanfiction. I highly suggest you go to my profile and read that before reading this one. :)

Be My First 2 - Together ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora