Chapter Two- Percy's POV

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   As I run after Nico I know I'm to late. "Come on!" I yell as I kick the wall. The bell has rang and I know I should be getting to class but I can't. I really want to look for Nico but I have no idea where that boy went.

   So I decide to just go to class and hope to see him later.

   When I open the gym door everyone just has to stop and stare at me as if I had killed like five people. I ignore them and go straight to the boy's locker room. When I get in there I'm not the least surprised when I see my best friend, Grover Underwood.

"Percy where were you?" Grover asked, "I had to tell Couch Ares that you were on the toilet, man."

"Um, thanks but you couldn't have came up with something better?" I question because come on try and live that down.

"Sorry man I was under pressure, and I didn't know where you were."

"Well thanks anyway G-Man but I was with Nico."

"Oh... So how did it go? Did you ask him out? Did he say yes or no? How did you do it? Where did you do it? When is the wedding?" Grover practically jumped and yelled.

"OK first off no I didn't ask him out. He ran away before I could. And the way I ask was really stupid. And no there will be no wedding any time soon." I answered while changing into appropriate PE clothes.

"How was it stupid?" Grover asked

   I sigh he is just never gonna stop. I don't answer Grover's question until he asks again when we are in side the gym. And just what I expected, I was getting weird looks.

"Hey I'm human, you poo too!" I yell at the people.

"Percy I'm serious what did you say to him that was oh so stupid that would just make Nico run away from you?" Grover questioned yet again.

   I sigh no getting out of this one.

"I asked him if he was gay." I answered.

"Andddddd?" Grover ask carrying out the 'd'.

"That's it."

"What Percy you cannot and I mean cannot just come out and ask a guy if he is gay or not."

"I know I know but I only ever dated two girls and even he would had said that he is gay, me liking him wouldn't had made it any easier." I sigh for the millionth time.

"Wait so he isn't?"

"He is."

"Alright class I see that Mr. Jackson is back from his little potty break. Now let's get to some stretching!...." Couch Ares yells at everyone telling us just what to do.

"We are not done with this conversation you hear Percy." Grover states in a matter of fact tone.

   All I do is nod my head. I'm still thinking of ways I can go and talk to Nico. Gods, I really want to know where he is.


                { Nico's POV }

   I have been sitting in this smelly garbage area for four periods now. I know that was all Percy wanted. I can just imagine him, Annabeth and all their friends having a good laugh. I bet Percy saying that he liked someone else was just to get my guard down, and it worked. Stupid stupid crush. I bet that Percy and Annabeth did't even break up. I was so busy thinking about how my life couldn't get any worst, that I didn't notice my phone ringing.

I looked at my phone to see that Jason, my best friend is calling. "Hello" I answered.

"Hey Nico where have you been. It's lunch time and I didn't see you in second or fourth period. What's up?" Jason asked, concern filling his voice.

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