Chapter 3

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Yoongi POV

After my shift had ended I went to my safe place, the park. I wanted to get away from reality and the only way I could was by going to the park. The one place no one knew about. When I got to the park, I realized something was off in the park. I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. My eyes roamed around the park until I noticed it, a lump on the bench. My bench I usually sat on. I walked over to the lump and tapped its shoulder but no response. I tried again and still no response. 

"Excuse me, are you okay sir?" I had asked but never recieved a response. To be honest with you,  I was starting to get worried because this person hadn't responded yet. Was it dead? 

Jimin POV

Poke after poke, until it started getting annoying I didn't even bother opening my eyes to see who it was. Until I got poked again, and it hurt a lot. 

"What do you want." I hissed. When I opened, I saw the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on. It was the one in my dreams. I hadn't realized that he was talking to me until he tapped my shoulder but my eyes only went down.

"Hello, Sir. It'd be nice if you quit starring at me." Oh his voice so husky and deep. Just right for my liking. I liked my lips and did an unnoticeable smirk. Worst thing was, he started walking away. But why? Was I not pretty enough? I highly doubt my ears or tail came out so why did he leave?

Yoongi POV

That person of whatever you call it annoyed the living shit out of me. All he did was stare at me and never respond. Didn't deserve my time anyway. I sighed and headed home until I felt  a hand touch mine. I looked over and there was that person, holding my hand. I was already annoyed enough go I yanked my hand away from his and shoved it in my pocket. 

"Can I come home with you?" He batted his eyelashes thinking it'd do some affect on me but he was wrong. 

"no." Was all I had to say, nothing else just no.

"Please, I'll give you whatever you want" He said. I sighed deeply hoping he'd stop but never did. I eventually went the long way to my house hoping I would've lost him but boy was I wrong. He was right there next to me. 

"Leave. I don't need some pesky brat." I was annoyed by him, and obviously my words did something to him. He started crying saying who knows what about being abandoned for the second time again. To me all I heard was bullshit. I could clearly careless about this person. 

"Please just let me stay here with you. My Master left me to die. I have no where else to go" he sobbed. I had thought it was a normal sentence until I heard Master. That's when I knew this brat was either a Hybrid or some maid. I was really hoping he was a maid. 

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