Chapter 5: Meeting spike

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☆This is kinda in your pov.

You and Chase were studying in the lab together. Chase had gone upstairs to get some snacks when suddenly you heard a loud crash. You ran upstairs to see if everything was ok and when you got up there, what you saw surprised you. Chase was holding Adam up by the collar of his shirt. "What the-" you said in surprise. "Oh! Y/n this is Spike. Spike this y/n!" Adam said like this was nothing new. "Spike? Who's Spike?" you asked clearly concerned. "I am," Chase started to say in a deep voice till he looked at you. He dropped Adam on his butt, "Hello there sweetheart. Who might you be?" he asked walking over to you. "Uh... I'm your girlfriend...?" He grabbed you and dipped you, "Well of course you are! Only a beautiful girl like you could be in the arms of a guy like me." he smiled at you and you looked at Adam. "What's going on?" "Oh right! You haven't met Spike yet! Well y/n, Chase has this commando app that we call Spike. It's like this big buff guy inside Chase's little body that comes out whenever he gets really angry." Spike looks over at Adam "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you," he said. He picked you up and set you on the counter, "Be right back baby face," he said with a wink. Then he went over to Adam and got all in his face "I'm going to rip out your thigh bones and use them as drum sticks on your hollow skull!" Just as he was about to destroy Adam you got an idea. You jumped off the counter and ran in between Adam and Spike. You grabbed Spike by the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips together. The kiss was aggressive and passionate and as much as you hated to admit it, you kind of liked this side of Chase. I mean, you loved the gentle sweet Chase but it did spark butterflies in your stomach to hear the deep voice and really feel the passion in the kiss. Slowly the kiss turned from angry and hungry to sweet and gentle like normal. You pulled away and looked into his eyes. You smiled "There's my Chase."

Author's note: Sorry for the short chapter but don't forget to comment below and request episodes and senarios! 

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