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We have all been rejected in some stance of life. We know exactly how it feels. It's hurtful, painful and full of struggle. That is because FMRI studies state that ,the same area of brain that active when we are rejected as when we experience physical pain. There is such a big correlation and science between emotional rejection and physical pain. Beating ourself up is the worst thing you can do after rejection. We start to imagine with it. We sensationalize it. It's like to start writing, totally imaginative  headlines about our life rather than accepting reality.
I must say, don't take it personally but do take it curiously. When we get curious about rejection, it can be useful as a way of learning. When we take it curiously , we actually start changing our lives.

I'm in love with this quote, When you get what you want, thats God's direction, when you don't get what you want, thats God's protection.

All have said, failure is a feedback. It doesn't mean you can't do this or you're not good enough. It's feedback. I truly believe that every single person has to go through something, that absolutly destroys them, so they can figure out who they really are. 

When you get rejected in something you love or anyone you admire or aspire has been rejected you, you get better.  The more you experience rejection, the more thing you have to celebrate. Marriage, engagment and a new child , are all amazing things to celebrate but they are not the only thing. Don't forget to celebrate your friend who is taking steps to heal from trauma and rejection.

Sometimes hearing NO is actually leading us towards the right YES . Hearing  NO for the wrong idea is leading towards the YES for the right idea. Because when you hear NO , it pushes you in the direction of flow to figuring out what you need to do. Rejection is moving you towards it. You'll get to where you want in life, just not in the way you imagined it.

        ~ Mery Ruaid

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