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I've never really been able to remember anything from when i was little

I remember being in my head all the time,

Thinking about all the things I didn't have but so badly longed for,

I remember the fear when I couldn't decipher reality from my dreams

Me and my sister were talking one time and I brought up something from when I was little, she gave me the weirdest look and said that it had never happened.

I was so confused because I could picture it so clearly in my head. But if I look closely enough, the colors were all a little too bright, everything a little too perfect. I cried when i realized that it had never actually happened

My memories aren't real

They are all just an elaborate dream

A dream of the life that i wished i could have but never actually thought possible

I replaced the neglect and darkness with love and bright pretty colors

I shoved all the hurt down so far that I would never be able to find it

I search for answers knowing that there are none

I have nothing

Four years of what I thought I knew gone

like a whisper, so faint that you wonder if you ever even heard it at all

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