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The clock in my room is always two minutes behind, The ticks always a half a second off from the clock in the kitchen.

The temperature in the basement is always five degrees colder in the winter and five degrees hotter in the summer than the rest of the house.

The smell in the kitchen changes with the season, in spring it's the bouquet of sunflowers that is always on the table, in winter it's the oranges in our fruit bowl, in fall it's the smell of pumpkin everything in the oven, in summer it's the smell of freshly brewed lemon iced tea.

The floorboards always creak a bit when you walk too fast

Our fireplace hasn't worked since before I can remember

We have dog gates in almost every doorway of the house

Every room has at least one bookshelf full of books from science to bedtime stories

We have an entire wall of games but only play three

The cat meows at 2:00am sharp every day without fail

The heat doesn't turn on until the 1st of November every year

The little quirks in my life that keep me sane

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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