See That's what I mean

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After being dragged to the Cafeteria by a certain scythe wielding speedster and forced to sit with her team and another team I couldn't care for an awkward silence slowly seeped into the once comfortable atmosphere with everyone just staring at me while I fiddle with a 50. BMG Round before Blake decides to speak up "can someone explain why he was dragged here by Ruby?" I shrug "wish I fucking knew all I did was ask a question and suddenly here I am" this time Weiss decides to speak "what could be so preposterous that it makes Ruby drag someone over" Ruby leans across the table and puts a hand on Weiss shoulder and whispers it to her. Learning the reason why Weiss recoils backwards with the most dumbfounded expression I'd never have expected to see from her face before she facepalms "you have got to be kidding me" I shake my head "Nope" I hear a sigh come from Weiss before she pulls out her scroll and shows me her teams health bars "this bar here is aura can you see it clearly" I tilt my head slightly to the side "No I see your health bars nothing related to this 'Aura' you speak off" I hear a disappointed sigh cover the entire table and I see the girl in spartan like armor walk around the table and stand behind Weiss "is his Aura not unlocked maybe?" Ruby shakes her head "No because he clearly has a semblance from his ability" the female Spartan shrugs "I don't know how to help then if he has a semblance then he has Aura"

Once again I sigh "look I don't have god damn Aura. I have a health bar that when it depletes, I die and go back to some weird respawn screen and wind up spawning back in my dorm room. My life is literally lived like a game I die I come back, and I can summon weapons from my inventory so just stop if you can't help then I'll just leave because you lot aren't making any sense at all" I take a deep breath and stand up and leave "if you care to carry on this prank I'm off to train" I take my leave from the cafeteria and head towards the training facilities materializing my weapons I take a glance behind me seeing two people following me I shrug and keep walking until I enter the training facility.

Wielding my PGM Hecate II I take aim down the range inside the facility and take one shot then cock the bolt adjusting to the kickback before shooting again and again until I empty the magazine then I pull the bolt back and let the magazine drop to the floor then I slam a new one in pull the bolt forward and sling the rifle across my back as I get up then turn towards the main arena and looking at the two who followed me here "alright since you followed me here at least make yourself useful and spar with me."

I draw my sword and stand at the other end of the arena as Blake and Weiss? huh didn't expect that. Blake grabs the cleaver sheath of gambol shroud and Weiss draws mrytenaster they nod at each other then run at me "Ok that was fast" I quickly grab the grip of the PGM Hecate and position it on the flat of my blade and shoot at Weiss then I bring up the blade to deflect Blake while I cock the bolt of the Hecate II as it returns to being slung across my back. Seeing Weiss refocus on me after the shot I kick Blakes stomach then move the blade back so Weiss stabs at the flat of the blade with a speed that rapidly increases over time. I look down slightly and see a glyph believing it to be the cause of her attack speed decide to move my spare hand onto the PGM Hecate and shoot at the ground to launch myself up as Blake decides to pull out the kusarigama form of her Gambol Shroud and throws it at me hooking it onto the PGM Hecate and pulling it towards her dragging me with it.

Caught by the sudden shift in weaponry as Weiss aims a glyph at me, I twist through the air wrapping myself more into the ribbon of the kusarigama which enough speed to force Blake to be moved towards me with the ribbon leaving her hand I throw a kick at her head and begin to untwist unwrapping the ribbon from around me as I spin with Blakes head caught between my Feet I throw her at the ground as I grab the ribbon and throw the Kusarigama towards Weiss. Grabbing the PGM Hecate from my back I roll onto the floor and handspring then aim at Weiss as she launches towards me with the use of her glyph I position a shot next to her before I feel Blake tackle me to the ground as Weiss's Rapier mixed with ice dust jabs into my leg and freezes them causing me to lay on the ground with my lower half frozen.

I look up at the two and sigh then speak up "fine you win what do you want" Blake has a ghost of a smirk as Weiss grins before both beginning to ask me a question before they both stop and they back up while Weiss tries not to scream looking at my arm. I look confused before seeing Weiss point at my arm then she screams. "Oh that makes sense not used to seeing an arm get cut off and bleed without a worry. Unfreeze me so I can heal it" Weiss ignores me as Blake recollects her Kusarigama and turns it into a katana then places it within her sheath. Weiss ends up calling someone on her scroll I don't know who before I suddenly black out.

*Two hours later*

I wake up to the beeping of machines and still a missing arm I sigh once again and load up my menu and pull out a healing crystal and use it. Slowly I feel my arm begin to grow back as Professor Ozpin and Ruby enter the room, I sit up with a grunt as I look at the two.

"Well this is unfortunate timing how about we don't talk about this at the moment I'm sure this is bad enough as it is" I lift my stump slowly forming into a hand. Ozpin nods as Ruby moves behind him "Hey Ozpin can you call Weiss and Blake here so I can talk to them" He nods as Ruby quietly walks outside to wait for her two teammates (unfortunately turns into three) I see him pull out his scroll and send a message as Ruby walks back in with her sister. "Wait I don't remember agreeing to see you" Yang shrugs "don't exactly have a choice now. Not with what Blake told me" I sigh as Ozpin leaves and Weiss and Blake enter. Weiss moves over to Yang as Blake stands next to Ruby "anyway Weiss, Blake as I said before passing out you won what do you want to know" Weiss speaks up "what happened with your arm your Aura should have protected you."

"As I said I don't have one that just proves my point and I can prove it even more if we go to the dorms" I begin to unplug everything as my arm finishes reforming Weiss begins to panic "you shouldn't be moving yet you dolt you've just been hospitalized because of your arm" I show Weiss my arm which sends her into a spluttering mess just as I pull out the final wire and walk towards the door "come with me if you want proof I don't care" I leave the room and head to the dorms as the four follow behind me talking to themselves.

After a few minutes of walking I enter the dorm as I materialize a Heckler and Koch USP and check the magazine before letting the four enter and get a good look at me before I aim the gun to my temple and shoot myself in the head. I see the traditional text appear as my body shatters into pixels I see Weiss scream once again as Ruby hides herself in Yang as Yang hugs Ruby. I wait a couple of minutes just to be a douche before I respawn in front of the four of them with the gun missing and me in a normal white shirt and blue jeans. I see the four take a step back as I point to my head "see my point if I had an aura, I wouldn't have died I also wouldn't be back if I had no semblance so please can you now stop answering questions. Ok thank you."

I leave my own dorm with a sigh as Yang finally screams and runs after me for having traumatized Ruby however, I really don't care she came into this line of work, so it was obvious she'd see people die at some point. Was it too early? Probably. Do I care? Fuck no.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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Aura? that's my health bar (a SAO oc X RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now