Part 34

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Justin POV:
I woke up and I'm in the hospital with Ariana what happened how did this happen. I'm glad we didn't lose our baby I'm so happy she didn't die I don't know what I would do without her she is the love of my life. I went and I took a shower and I sat on the couch waiting on her to wake up . A few minutes later she moved " baby " I said " Justin what happened " Ariana said " you were in a car wreck do you remember anything that happened" I said " not really how's the baby " Ariana said " the baby's good do you remember anything " I said " I remember I was driving home and then the next thing I knew a car hit me from behind I tried to scream but nobody heard me I thought I had lost our little boy I was so scared " Ariana said " I know baby but you and Jayden are okay the police are gonna find who did this to you " I said " I don't wanna press charges " Ariana said " Ariana this person hurt you and you could have died we need to press charges they need to be punished " I said " okay so our wedding is in two weeks" Ariana said " I know but Ari I think we need to change it you are gonna have this baby next week " I said " wait that means I have to get a whole new wedding dress " Ariana said shaking her head " it's okay baby you will get a new dress" I said " I need to get out of here " Ariana said trying to get up " Baby wait" I said " ouch" Ariana said " you okay " I said " no My stomach hurting really bad" Ariana said starting to cry and I went and got the doctor." what's happening" Ariana said " Ariana you are in labor" doctor said " wait I need to call my mom" Ariana said " Ariana we need to get this baby out of you now before the baby becomes distressed " doctor said " it's okay baby I'm here with you okay " I said grabbing her hand " okay push" doctor said Ariana pushed and pushed " I can't do this " Ariana said crying "yes you can" I said " okay Ariana push two more times" doctor said she pushed and pushed and then we heard crying . " congratulations you have a baby boy" doctor said " can I hold him" Ariana said " doctor there's something wrong with his heart beat" nurse said " okay rush him to the OR" doctor said " what's going on why can't I see my baby " Ariana said " there is something wrong with yours baby heart we will do everything we can " doctor said then he walked out the room Ariana was crying " we can't lose our baby we just can't" Ariana said " I know baby the doctors are doing everything they can to help Jayden he will be okay " I said hugging Ariana I kissed her forehead and she went to sleep. Two hours passed and I was sitting down and the doctor came in " how's he " I said " Your baby" doctor Said " his name is Jayden" I said " well Jayden heart began to fail and we discovered he had a heart murmur he will be okay but every two years he will have to come get checkups for make sure he is okay and treating this very well" doctor said " so how can we treat it " Ariana said " well you really can't it's a heart condition when he gets a little older he can maybe get a pacemaker to help him run and play but we will see when he gets like two years old " doctor said " can I hold him" Ariana said " I'm afraid you can't he needs to rest after the surgery you will get to hold him soon I promise " doctor said " okay thank you " I said then he walked away " you want some food" I said " Justin I can't hold my fucking baby and all you care about is food " Ariana said " I'm sorry I'm trying to take your mind off of it " I said " I'm not eating until I can hold my baby " Ariana said " baby you have to eat " I said " I'm not eating Justin " Ariana said " okay " I said then she sat on her phone until she went to sleep I went and got some Canes and came back and went to sleep

Texting: Justin and Ariana ( a Jariana fanfic )#Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now