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I finished reading the clock as she put down her pen and slid her glasses from the bridge of her nose to the top of her head.

How would you describe, a relationship?

I would say a relationship is a bond bound by a promise.

A promise of what?

Anything, everything. Everyone knows the promises that come with a relationship even if they choose to ignore them.

Loyalty. Now this one's flexible polyamorous monogamous open see flexible, but let's keep things simple let's go with monogamous you are mine as I am yours I love you you love me tell me that show me that only you only I only us ignore this and you ignore loyalty.

Honesty. Lies can get you in trouble but so can the truth, when people cheat in a relationship if they truly do care for their partner they will feel guilt they will feel wrong they will feel regret and the need to tell the truth even though at no point in the relationship did they say they would never lie this is because of the unspoken promise you made to be honest ignore this feeling and you ignore your promise of honesty.

Compassion. why is it that I should know to show up at your house with roses and chocolate when you're feeling unwell why remember your birthday or your middle name why care when you're sick, because it hurts you when I don't and I don't ever want to hurt you I don't ever want you to hurt me I want you to consider me think of me miss me love me just as I think of you just as I miss you just as I love you I'm sure it never shoots to the tip of someone's tongue when they think of the promises in a relationship but compassion is important the day you can say something hurtful to me without regretting it the day you apologize without meaning it the day you kiss me just to wonder when it'll be over is the day that you lose passion.
Show me compassion be merciful enough to let me go when you no longer love me if you lead me on you choose to ignore your promise of compassion.

At some point in middle of me speaking she let her glasses down to the tip of her nose again and prepared her pen.
She was looking out as if imagining something while going over my words in her mind, when I stopped speaking she must have snapped back to clicking her pen again to hide the tip she cleared her throat right before she could speak her timer went off she clicked stop on her phone to silence it.

Finishing I said

They say good things come in threes but they also say bad things come in threes there are many silent rules and promises to a relationship but compassion honesty loyalty are usually make or break, being loyal is a given and doesn't earn you any points but if you are loyal to someone else while pretending to be loyal to me it will break us compassion can guide us to everlasting love but can also hurt so easily If lost on one end and honesty is a straight 50/50 honest about wrongdoings can make you or break you and there's really nothing more to that.

Sliding my bag over my shoulder I went for a water cup as she finished writing a few things and stood to walk me to the door.

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