What did I tile this last time???

14 1 3

Okay first off I was tagged by NarukoUzumaki15 this time and yes... I apologize for responding so late. Let's play!(Wattpad story name reference, sorry)

1. Do I have a crush?
Currently no, but don't flirt with me if you don't mean it cause I will catch feelings if you make me feel special pathetic yes I know m(._.)m

2. Middle name?
It's a little long, it's Alessandra, please keep in mind from last time I'm mexirican so it's said with an accent

3. Height?
Okay so I know I'm 14 and all but please don't make fun of me... I'm 4'11 ALMOST 5 okay? I'm almost there...

4. Eye color?
I have like a chocolate/honey brown but when I tried that tiktok thing with the flash and s5 filter it looked like a burnt red, so I'd say a mix of the two?

5. Last time I cried?

6. My biggest fear?
That's kinda hard since I'm scared of a lot of things but mainly disappointing others and bugs... I'm also scared of fishes tho...

7. Last song I listened to?
I think the last song I listened to today was 'Candy' by Dojacat, if that's even the name of the song.

8. The last person I texted?
Ummm that was either my mom or my besti Sashaaaaaaa that you probably don't knowwwww so saying her name was kinda pointlesssssss

9. ThE nExT 10 tO bE TagGeDdD (lol srry guys)
Welppppp... have fun and please at least try to sleep bye bye!!(╹◡╹)

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