Lol just posted some weird shit but i got tagged so im back

17 4 14

Okiii first things first, this time I was tagged by AGHaShEEEh sooo yup~

1.) Do I like someone?
Personally I like to stay away from like people cause I already know how that's gonna go, so as of rn if they're real then no but if they're anime then yes.
•Random concerning the last question: I have been giving permission to sleep with anime boys by my mother😂

•Random concerning the last question: I have been giving permission to sleep with anime boys by my mother😂

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2.) Do they like me?
Sadly no because they have their own love interest that I ship them with.

3.) Middle name?
I've already done this but who cares, it's Alessandra

4.) Single or Taken?
Single. Very, very, very single.

5.) Last person I texted?
My mom.

6.) Last song I listened to?
The last song I can remember listing to today was Prom Queen by Beach Bunny and The Counting Bijuu Song from Naruto

7.) Battery percentage?
Oof 21%

8.) Girl best friend?
My homie, my girl, Sasha Lopez ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

9.) Guy best friend?
I don't know I'm pretty cool with all the guys in my class but I try to stay away from being to close cause the feels and awkwardness goes📈 but the results, even if they like me back, go📉

10.) Fav OTP??
As far as straight ones go I say NaLu because they are my BABIES and NEED to fall in love, like NOW. And for my gay bois I go KageHina because they are my PRECIOUSNESS that are too dense to realize.

11.) Why I made my account?
Well I had just gotten into being a weeb and reading fanfictions but had gotten tired of using google so I went " yOu KnoW WhAt?? LeTs jUst DoWnlOad ThE aPP iT kEepS seNdiNG mE tO." So now I'm here.

12.) Current lock screen?
I got bored and made myself some wallpapers and I've been using this👇🏼

) Current lock screen?I got bored and made myself some wallpapers and I've been using this👇🏼

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13.) Birthday?
March 2nd ^_−☆

Alright 20 ppls lets go

Okiii bye byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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