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*the videos I reference are not going to be in the right time period, I'm just dumb so don't yell at me when I write about videos that were not posted in November, just let it happen*

Ethan's smile had never been that big. He was sitting on the couch in his flat after his date with Hailey. It was certainly worth skipping the gym for. His phone buzzed, he had gotten a text. He was hoping it was from Hailey, but she was driving so he doubted it.

Ethan I need your help
for video. We will be

Ethan sighed as he put on his shoes to go to Harry and the Cals flat.

Hailey was driving to the airport. Her roommate Angela was flying in from Germany. However; In no way was she German. Angela's mom was born in Jersey and her dad was born in the United States, specifically New Jersey. It was a funny story, how they met. Abigail was in New York on holiday, and Owen was just there for a fun weekend. When she asked where he was from he told her Jersey. She immediately became excited and asked him about it, he had no idea what she was taking about.

Angie was born it Scotland, where she lived for ten years. After that, her and her family traveled the world. She lived in Russia, London, multiple states in the US, Brazil, New Zealand, and a bunch of others. She decided to live in London, as it was her favorite place and her parents chose Heidelberg, Germany.

Hailey and Angie met through Hailey's cousin, Cadence. Cadence and Angie met while Angie was living in France. They kept in touch. When Cadence found out that Hailey was moving out and looking for a roommate, she immediately set up Angie and Hailey. The two became instant friends and have been inseparable for the past three years.

When Angie and Hailey saw each other they hugged tightly, Angie was gone for two weeks, that is the longest to two have been apart since they met. Hailey helped her with her bags and brought them to the car. The girls got in and started talking about Angie's trip.

"So what have you been up to? Any men?" Angie asked and wiggles her eyebrows.

"Actually-" Hailey started, but it was cut off by a loud gasp from Angie making Hailey serve the car. "What! Did I almost hit something?"

"No! I just can't believe there's a man! Please explain." Angie told her.

"Angela Johnson! How many times do have I told you not to gasp while I'm driving! It scares me! Anyway yes the boy, so we go to the same gym, his name is Ethan, and we went on our first date this morning." Hailey smiled, her mind wandering back to this morning's events.

"Oh my god! Look at your smile! You like him! This is so exciting! You've never had a boyfriend!" Angie exclaimed.

"Ang I've had a boyfriend before!" Hailey told the blonde girl.

"Hail. You are twenty-three years old and haven't had a relationship that has lasted over two months." Angie sighed.

"What do you mean! I dated Anthony for a while!" Hailey said.

"Hailey you broke up with him after three weeks because you said he was too clingy!" Angela explained.

"Well he was! He wanted to see me all the time it was exhausting!" Hailey frowned.

"Hailey what do you mean! He wanted to hang out with you on your birthday and then Valentine's Day, which in case you were unaware, are consecutive!" Angie told her.

"Okay I'm tired of this conversation. Yes, I had a date. Yes, I like him a lot. Yes, there will be a second one. That's all." Hailey rolled her eyes. Luckily her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID it said, Callum🥶. She quickly accepted, the call automatically transferred to her car.

"Callum? Why are you calling, I don't have a video I'm supposed to edit do I?" She asked, worried.

"No, uh I kind of have a big favor to ask you." He said.

"Well I do owe you!" Hailey laughed. A couple weeks ago at a party Callum invited her to, some guy would not stop hitting on her. It made her very, very uncomfortable. Callum saw how uncomfortable she looked and came to her rescue, pretending to be her boyfriend, so the creeper would go away.

"So my friends, you know the sidemen. They have a video that needs to come out tomorrow, but the audio has come out like complete shit. The guys usually take care of their own edits, but they said this was too much for them to take on. They knew I had a lovely, sweet, amazing editor, so they wanted to know if you could help."

"Like right now?" She asked.

"Yeah could you come to Simon and Jj's flat? All the sidemen are there right now and could really use you. I can send you the address."

"Could you send it to Angela? She's in the car, I just picked her up from the airport, she can use the GPS for me."

"Yeah of course! Also bring Angie! I miss my bestie!" He laughed.

"Also Callum?"


"Who's Simon and Jj?"

"Oh Hailey you have a lot to learn. For the fact you work for youtubers, you know
absolutely nothing about YouTube, do you?"

"Correct Callum! Oh Angies got the text we are coming now!

Bubbly - Ethan PayneWhere stories live. Discover now