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    Hailey woke up and made her and Ethan cups of coffee. It was a little before eight o'clock. Ethan came out of his room and smiled. Hailey was sitting on the couch drinking plain black coffee while scrolling through Twitter. "Have you eaten yet?" He asked. She jumped, she had no idea he was there.

"No, not yet. I was waiting for you." She smiled. He smiled back and walked over to her.  She got up and hugged him. They stayed like that for a while, her face was buried into his shoulder. She was sad, sadder than she expected herself to be about this. Her grandparents loved her, they always sent her a card and money on her birthday, and her grandmother would often send minion memes she saw off Facebook to their family group. She only saw her grandparents once a year, they would come to London every summer and spend a month living at her fathers house. She was well aware that death was inevitable and she new it was coming. Throughout her childhood the only death she had experience was her family's dog and she was ten when it happened, so she barely understood what was happening.

    Her and Ethan ate a quick breakfast and headed to catch their train. On the train his arm was wrapped tightly around her, giving her comfort. The two had a casual conversation about her family. "This is surely not how I expected to meet your family." He tried his best to lighten the mood.

   "My mum won't be there, so you don't have to worry about that. Honestly my family will love that you're there, showing support and all that. They'll appreciate." She smiled lightly at him. "I will warn you, I have a very large family."

"How large?" He asked, nervously.

   "Well there's my dad, my step mom isn't coming because my grandmother hates her. My little brother Tomas, who's 15. My older brother Dominic, he's 29. His husband Jacob and their daughter Savannah. Those are the important ones, I'll introduce you to the aunts and uncles when we get there." Hailey explained.

Once they got off the train they took an Uber to her grandparents home. Her grandparents were very well off, they owned a vineyard managed to make a large sum of money from it. All the immediate family was staying at the vineyard. Ethan was surprised to say the least when they arrived at a very large home with acres of land behind it. They were instantly greeted by Hailey's little brother as they exited the car.

"Tommy hi!" She smiled at him, but he ignored her and gaped at Ethan.

"I genuinely can't believe you're here right now. This is mad. I'm going to be able to tell all my friends I met Ethan from the sidemen." Tommy was practically jumping with excitement.

"Yes brother I missed you very much too. Yes I am healthy and happy. Thank you for asking." She deadpanned. Ethan smiled at her sarcasm and started talking to Tommy about the sidemen. He answered all of the boys questions to the best of his ability as they walked down the long driveway to the front door. Hailey found it adorable.

The next family member Ethan had the pleasure of meeting of Hailey's older brother Dominic. Tommy, Ethan, Hailey, and Dominic sat in the living room after the couple put their things in the room they would be staying in. Her brothers got to know Ethan. Ethan learned many things about Hailey's younger and older brother, including, Dominic being drag queen on top of being an accountant, and Tommy trying to start a Minecraft YouTube channel.

Ethan enjoyed the conversation with her brothers, both of them had large personalities. Twenty minutes into the chat Dominic's Husband, Jacob and daughter, Savannah joined. Jacob was a bartender at an expensive restaurant and Savannah had just turned one and a half. They two men were definitely talkers. Telling him the whole story how they met and why named their daughter after a city in the United States. Both the stories could have been very short. The answers being at a club where Dominic was performing and because the two met in Savannah, Georgia. However; the two would constantly jump in over each other and add random details, which made the two stories take about an hour.

Eventually Savannah started crying, so the two husbands took her into their room and Tommy decided to go play on his PlayStation and brag on discord about how he met Ethan from the sidemen, leaving Hailey and Ethan alone in the living room.

"So how to you like my brothers?" She asked.

He smiled at her widely and laughed a bit, "they know how to talk, but they are very interested and I definitely wont forget how Dom and Jacob met anytime soon."

"What do you mean, what's so unforgettable about them meeting in a club and then going outside to hookup and then being arrested for public indecency in America!" She laughed loudly.

"That whole story was absolutely mad." He laughed with her.

Hailey's Father entered the room. He was extremely miserable after hearing of his fathers passing, but seeing his daughter so happy brought a light smile on his face. "What are we laughing about?" He questioned as her sat down before them.

"Ethan just had the pleasure of seeing the live reenactment of Dominic and Jacob meeting." She told her father.

"Oh my I'm so sorry." He said, which caused the couple to laugh. "That's one of the few things I wish my son kept a secret from me. I did not need to know about his public indecency."

Hailey suddenly realized she had yet to introduce Ethan to her Father. "Oh! Dad, this is Ethan Payne, Ethan this is my dad!" The two men shook hands.

"Ethan, I have an extremely important question for you." The man said seriously,.

Ethan has managed to stay relatively calm throughout meeting her family, but that sentence threw him off a bit, but he nodded at the man, signaling for him to go on.

"Has Hailey ever told you the story of how she fell down the stairs and broke her nose, right arm, and gave herself a concussion."

Hehehe I updated everyone praise me .

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