Personal problem

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I was sitting on my bed working on history when I heard someone slowly stumbling up the stairs. I sighed to myself already knowing my mess of a 'father' was coming to pester me about something. Seconds later he slammed the door open my nose being assaulted by the stench of alcohol radiating of my father. I must've been visibly disgusted.

"Don't fuckin look at me like that y-you stupid bitch" he said stumbling over to me I tried my hardest to not laugh at the fact that he stuttered and stayed quiet. 

"MAKE ME SOME DAMN FOOD!" he yelled at me I stayed where I was and remained silent this pissed him off, even more, his face burned red as he stepped closer to me but I stood up before he got close and walked to my dresser I leaned against it and crossed my arms smirking at his drunk ass. 


"Oh fuck off you drunk piece of shit make your own damn food you good for nothing asshole" I snapped back at him he looked taken back by my words I don't usually talk back to him or talk to him at all really.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YOU STUPID BITCH" he yelled at me again as he walked closer to me. 

"is your attention span as short as your vocabulary you fuckin heard me," I said.

"or are you deaf to"I laughed at him. 

*Snap* my head swung to the side and my face began to tingle he slapped me. 

"Pft that all you got a bitch slap really ?"

"only little bitches slap but that makes sense because that's all you've ever been is a stupid little bitch every since mom died since the first time you ever laid your hands on me"I spit at him my words laced with anger and hate as I stepped towards him.

"Watch your damn mouth you stupid slut do you know who you're talking to?"He said.

"Yea I'm aware of who I'm talking to, "I said.

"I'm talking to a stranger that I used to call my father I'm talking to a man that has caused me nothing but pain and suffering for over half my life, I'm talking to you"I snapped back at him and stepped closer to him he laughed at me I was a little taken back like this bitch really has the audacity to laugh like somethings funny.

"You think your tough don't you talking back like you know what you're talking about, "He said.

"You ain't shit you're fucking worthless your the reason she died it's your faul-"He was cut off mid-sentence as I punched him in the face causing him to fall to the ground.

"It's not my fault you stupid waste of space your to one that was driving you're the one that was under the influence your the one that hit that car that was all you, and you should really watch what you say to me "I snapped at him full of rage I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him forcing him to look me in the eyes.

"or what you won't do shit you're weak pathetic," he said smiling as his lip bled I snapped I threw punch after punch beating the soul out of his worthless ass , but I stopped for a second.

"I have never been weak or pathetic every day I worked harder trained harder I've become stronger than you will ever fucking be!" I spit my words at him as though they were venom.

"Please I'm so sorry ill never touch you again I promise !" he cried tears streaming down his face nothing but fear filled his eyes I laughed.

"Yea I know you won't, "I said as I broke his neck and stood up.

"Well that was fun," I said sarcastically as I stood up looking over what used to be my father. how am I supposed to clean this up normally I would just call some of the boys to come to clean this up but this is kind of a ...personal problem.

I stepped out of my room and walked down stairs, I stepped out the back door and walked to the shed I opened the door the lawnmower sitting in the center I walked in and grabbed the jerry can sitting next to it I shook it, It was about a quarter of the way gone I poured some of it on the mower and made a trail of gas from the shed to the back door then continued upstairs and into my bedroom, I then poured some over my fathers corpse. I stopped then grabbed my work and crumbled the paper and threw it on his body and I walked to my closet grabbed my favorite jacket and walked downstairs to the front door, then I pulled my lighter out from my pocket and lit the gas and a snake of light wound its way through the house.

The Killers CircleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora