Day five

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"I don't think I've ever said this to anyone in my life, but I may truly hate you Styles!"

And he laughed, the fucker laughed and kept up the pressure on the hamstring curl he was making her perform. He called it a reverse negative, but she was entirely positive that he was a demon and she wanted to punch him. She would, if she could lift her arm when they were done.

They had started with boxing, so she wasn't sure if her arms were still functional. They may have actually turned into noodles. She couldn't feel them anyway. They might have gone past al dente to rubber mush.

This had been his surprise idea, honestly. It was the worst one she had ever gotten. She did not work out, and for the life of her Elise could not figure out why there were people who did this to themselves on purpose.

But it had started so well. For the last few days, she had woken up when she woke up and wandered down to be fed and watered by her high school crush, it had been something of a dream really. And then yesterday, they had spent all that time, well, bonding was the only word she was allowing herself to associate with the hours they spent sharing earbuds and holding hands and... She stopped herself thinking about being stretched out over him and the way the hard planes of his chest felt against her breasts and his belly moving up and down and the way her hips slipped in between the well of his legs, and down down down she went. It was about 1 am when she finally put those thoughts to bed. She'd had to take things into her own hands to finally relax.

In any case, despite how well she had slept and how pleasant and complete her dreams had been, the knock at her door was a new way to wake up. The light at the window was weaker than the previous day, diffused by the light rain she could hear. Why was he knocking? Rainy days were sleep in days, especially in quarantine, right?

"Yes?" She sat up and realized she was just wearing a thin camisole and booty shorts. When his early morning curls popped through her door frame, Elise made sure to keep the comforter up and over her visible nipples. 

"Hey," oh man, he sounded better than breakfast. Her stomach growled. "It's a little early, but I had an idea for today. Wanted you to join me. Can I come in?" He was already doing it before she gave him a green light. She supposed it could be argued it was his room.

"Sure." Her voice was creaky from disuse too. The sound and effect were different. Whereas his was honey poured over oats and smoothed out to make something delicious, hers was squeaky like a door in need of oil.

She didn't have time to think much more about his voice, and the unflattering, unfair way it compared to hers, because he had a banana and a cup of coffee for her. He presented them to her with a flourish.

"Eat a little, and drink up. Then put on.." he looked over her mostly bare shoulders and his eyes were superhero powerful, "more. And come down! We've got plans today!" He'd slapped his hands together and winked before leaving her bedside and her breathless.

Elise had gulped down the banana first and accompanied it with the bottle of water she'd brought up for the night. She was hoping her coffee would be suitably cooled by the time she finished so she could join Harry.

"Phewwwwwww," she blew. "Phewwwww." The dark liquid rippled like the ocean while she blew and then reverse blew when she drank it too hot. Her tongue would have a dead spot for a bit. She frowned thinking of the flavors she'd miss out on. Was that a set of sweet taste buds, or sour?

The brush had caught on snags near the ends of her hair and she'd had to slow herself down and do it right before she balded herself. "Slow." She breathed.  It's not like he went out and bought brunch. They were on full lockdown. Though she thinks today is S day. Symptoms day, Harry seemed fine, and she was only short of breath because of him.

The One Where Harry Styles Sneezed On MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora