Day Thirteen: The One With The Fight

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"Why do you do this?" His voice was so pointed it cut her distraction.

"What?" Elise looked up from where she was laying on the guest bed she thought of as hers. She'd slept here every night, until she had slept with Harry. She'd been in with him since. And yesterday, after the scrabble sex, he had pulled her legless and naked to gather up her things.

"I'll help you pack!" He'd pulled out the top drawer and a pair of her drawers first thing and looked back with a crocodile grin.

"Harry!" She could feel her blush. Which was patently ridiculous since she was naked. "Those are my underwear." She was fucking whispering.

He wore amusement, since he didn't have another stitch on. He tossed her underwear to her as he passed her to the bathroom. "I'll handle your toiletries then. I'll leave you to your," he put his hand on the opposite side of his mouth and whispered "unmentionables."

She could hear him laughing. He hadn't even bothered to suppress it.

"Fuck you, Styles!" She yelled and he got louder. Should such provocation go unanswered?

Elise went in and tackled him. He was bigger than her and much stronger, so naked wrestling tended not to last that long. He had her flat on her back, pinned and winded, quickly. At his mercy was a good place to be.

Long story short her things stayed in the guest bedroom, but she stayed in his room, again.

He'd woken her with breakfast, that he'd had postmated in and they'd stayed in bed playing on their phones until long past noon.

Harry was officially addicted to animal crossing. Not as addicted as he was to the gym though. By 2 he was so energetic Elise was ready to punch him and she had playfully kicked him out of bed to send him to get his energy out like a kid on a long road trip. "Please go run or do some other ridiculously athletic thing." She'd said while prodding him in the ass with her toes. She watched him get dressed, and Harry was so good for an audience, he made a show of it for her.

He'd kissed her goodbye, well, and went away with a "move your stuff in!"

And she'd gone to her room, really she had, with some intention of packing. Once she was in there, alone, she had realized it seemed stupid to move her stuff for two days.

Was it two days?

And therein lay the problem.

Harry was acting like their rom com inspired tryst was going to continue indefinitely. He had not talked about it, like at all their impending deadline. He had only made one mention of time; they needed to finish friends in a couple days.

She was all in her head again. He was so confusing. Of course she wanted to stay in the fantasy, but if she moved into his room and committed in her head to this and then he said good bye in two days... Well, it might be as devastating as what happened with her family after Bryce.

Jesus. She stared at her book, the one she wasn't reading. Had she really just thought that? That a mild rejection after a short love fest would be as hurtful as the trauma that sent her running to another country.

With her family, it was miserable because she was persona non grata, but persona presens. They were all stuck in the same place, but after the initial fight with her sister, the literal siding of her mother with her sister and her father's shaken head and scornful look, it had kinda stopped being overt.

The One Where Harry Styles Sneezed On MeWhere stories live. Discover now