Slowly Tempting

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I took his hand he led me into my bedroom I’m feeling hesitant more anxious being next to him then ever. What was he planning to do?

"Get on the bed." He growled lowly. I did as told, which wasn't in my nature I lay on the bed, waiting for what would come next. He crept up beside me and ran a finger down my neck to my stomach. Then back up to linger on my lips. He then intertwined his tongue with mine.

"Are you this easy?" He mumbled.

"Do you want me this bad?" I shot back, identifying the visible lust in his eyes.

He began kissing me in a furious way I decided to become more aggressive. I bit his neck so hard that he let out a soft moan. He didn't move, however he was completely still as I yet again filled my soul and stomach.

As expected once I was nearly finished his mood had changed.

"Is this all I am? You shameless leech" He added, though he made no move to stop me as I clung to his neck just as described, a real leech; I lay drinking as if from a bottle.

"Is this all I am; a mutated beast?" I grumbled in response. He flipped me over so that I was under him. He did it effortlessly.

"Can't it always be like this, you under me? You are inferior- I in control of you." He shot lasers through me with all the energy he had radiating from his body.

"No. No, it can't." I retorted. I grabbed the back of his head and brought his neck to me.

Now it was his turn. He ripped the flesh from the right side of my neck and drank the blood of his beast.

I wasn't expecting it my eyes began to bulge the passion the fear I felt the soft pain and enjoyment. His fangs scared me as if a lion devouring a zebra I felt inexperienced; it felt like the first time. My hands tangled in his hair I wanted to scream loud enough for space to hear me. He was taking me to a cliff and pushing me over.

"Victor you’re so bold today." I gasp trying to even my unsteady breathing.

"Don't speak." He grumbled my blood messily sliding his face his eyes rum red flashing silver streaks, he’s blinding.

He stopped before he went too far. Could he have killed me, would I have let him?

 "Would you really let me sleep with you even though you're with that mortal?" He asked.

I didn't answer, because I didn't really know. What I felt for Victor was greed and lust and all the dirty sins. With Joa, I felt softness, love, and protection- all the mushy things under the sun.

In the process of sloppy kisses, he quickly gave me a hickey. I pushed him off.

"Look what you did! If Joa sees this...." I shot. I couldn't believe him. His face turned to stone.

"You will never be his." He grabbed my wrist his possessive nature taking over.

"What are you talking about? The big bad vampire has feelings for me?" I teased. “Let go of my wrist." That came out as more of a command.

He grunted. "Kill three people tonight and bring them to me. I want one of them to be Joa. If you don't comply, I'll just starve you." His tone rang with urgency and danger.

My eyes widened, and he smiled with satisfaction. I took a minute to gather my emotions, then I took off my clothes and presented myself before him.

"Baby, don't be like this. If I angered you, I'm so sorry." I nibbled his ear.

"What... what are you doing?"

"Apologizing, of course we don't have to go anywhere. We can just lie in my room and I'll handle things." I told myself that this was just to protect Joa.

"I don't want to kill right now the thrill is going away." I complained gently while stroking his strong jaw.

"That's because you're giving in to your human side." He cupped my face with his hands.

"You wouldn't make me kill when I don't feel like it, right?" I gave him my cutest expression, then, sealed Joa's survival with a kiss.

"Hold me." He demanded, and that was that.


“Why do you live with your aunt anyway?” I ran away because it was loveless, money and importance meant more than there child; the perfection was too smothering I couldn’t understand others because I didn’t know how to need.

“I live with my aunt because she’s cool and my parents died when I was six.” My tongue felt numb bitter almost as I pronounced my mother and father as deceased.

“Oh I’m so sorry I asked.” My best friend at the time wrapped her thin arms around me. Being fourteen is fun. I’m popular people think I’m pretty. They almost even worship me.

Its ok I don’t care there dead to me… no calls no birthday cards, did mother dearest get pregnant she always wanted a boy, a boy for my father and his company.

“You have us now so you won’t be ever sad or lonely.” My best friend gave my heart reassurance.

I’m so glad we’re friends.

I was a nice girl but I cared a lot of hatred around on a leather collar my anger dominated me in painful ways. I couldn’t outgrow my own immaturity. I began to play with darkness at the age of fifteen I wanted to explore it at night while in the day I pretended to be happy. When have I ever been happy? I grew tired of my friends there genuine smiles began to look fake my happiness became to predictable because it was staged.

I was crying for attention and the people I wanted it from never knew, I wanted my parents to come get me. They never came for there daughter was I so shallow to there life that they couldn’t give a fuck.

“Kiss me.” My first boyfriend complies he much too good at kissing for his age his hand move everywhere, he’s like a can of beer he’s bad for me but I’m going to drink it anyway…everyone else is at least taking a sip why shouldn’t I chug.

“Rayven there’s something about you.” He smiles and then continues kissing me. I bet you say that to all the girls what do they say awe Trent I like you a lot too. Trent I don’t like you at all actually you always smell like football sweat and I don’t like blondes…daddy has blonde hair, I have blonde hair. Oh how I loved daddy best.

“Trent I like you a lot too.” I say those words and don’t mean it

“Cool, if you like me why don’t you give me a surprise. I think I was a good boy and waited long enough what do you think baby, you ready.” He crosses his fingers and gives me his stupid sexy goofy smile. He does that face on purpose it gets him laid because it makes him look eager and harmless. His penis is a sword of poison, I don’t want it.

Trent eyes are blue my daddies eyes are blue as a little girl I’d look into his eyes and ask him not to leave me with the nanny. Those sorry blue eyes were always so apologetic. Was he really sorry to me?

“Trent your so bad how could you ask so suddenly, its so embarrassing.” I blush I learned how to do that.

His face turns into a serious sympathetic, he’s pathetic. “Its not embarrassing because you’re beautiful how am I suppose to control myself when just looking at you makes me want to explode.” He takes in my cold hand.

Rayven’s a trophy on the wall, Rayven’s Trent’s tenth trophy on the wall because I gave into the boy who looked like a teen idol and that boy carried me around like the trophy he wanted everyone to see. Rayven does stupid things when she’s unhappy.


Victor is not trying to sleep with me; I’m pleasantly surprised instead he goes to sleep in my arms. When did this happen when did master get attached to his beast?

Beauty Is Beastly (SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now