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(Mage's POV) (TRIGGER WARNINGS- Mentions of Abuse)

I was walking back home after telling Quill about my situation and he made sure with his aunt that it was fine for me to stay there for a while so I only went back there to pack but Nikki was ready to take front if anything happens so I don't remember it, I entered the house. He wasn't home, He's gonna be pissed....I wrote a note: 

Dear Johnson,

   Hi, its your Daughter, Mage. I need to get out of here because of you so Im taking the action to do it, Im bringing Sam with me cause me and Him need to get out of here. So does Mom but I can't take her with me. I know you don't respect me and yet you care? I don't know what in your mind says its okay to do this to you're children. So I must say goodbye and I won't miss you at all Johnson. I don't even consider you my father, Neither does Sam. And Mom, don't get me started I remember everything with mom, I might have this damned disorder because of you but I remember everything that you did to her. I'm officially saying goodbye to you and I don't want to see you again ever.

                                                                                   Sincerely, Magdalene and Faith 
That was the note, I hung it on the fridge and called for Sam and packed up, told him that I've got us out of this situation and Hugged mom Goodbye. I explained where we were going and Sam couldn't stop smiling so I asked, "Why are you smiling so much?"
"You're Talking, and you got us out of there"
"Yes, And?"
"I've missed you so much.."
"you just haven't been yourself since you were diagnosed"
"I know...but I've taken action, with the help of Others."
"Right, Thank you sis, but He'll be pissed."
"I know and I don't care This is for the both of us I wish we could take mom but Quill's Aunt only Said two of us but her door is open for anyone but she explained why she can't"
I paused, Dissociating, I said in the inner world "Faith, I want to be in front"
Faith, who's one of the caretakers, replied, "Can I stay near though"
I nodded and walked with Sam to Quill's house and Knocked on the door, Ms.yasmin's Girlfriend answered, Her name is Karile, she said "Oh, Hello you two, Did Yassy tell you there's only one guest room?"
"Yup" I said knowing that she didn't, but we walked in I pet Bobby, Quill's service dog.

Two months passed and me and Sam got better, then something just hit me, I just realized, Im on the path to make us better so I need to stop what I've done to the body. Charley knows about my D.I.D and She felt bad immediately,  She's met our little's, she loves Kiki like a little sister, Me and Charley are working on a Health project about D.I.D we've gotten very close after I left that place, Charley doesn't know that Me and Nikki really really do like her but I wanna tell her soon. Yet I am struggling with alot, My past trauma, I remember some of it but not all of them, Yes I do get flashbacks. But I don't remember All of my Trauma, the others do, but some of them are trauma free. Im just struggling alot...But I've getting better after I made that move. Yesterday I made plans with Charley for today, We're going to a park, Not a playground though just a normal little park. So I got ready and left to go get Charley, In the Fronting room in our inner world Nikki was near me and Kiki came running in yelling "Are we going to see Bun Bun?!"
Nikki picked her up and said "Yup we are and We're planning on telling her how we feel and asking her to be our Girlfriend" Bun bun Is Kiki's Nickname for Charley
Kiki's Face lit up and smiled "Yay!!"
I smiled and kept cycling over to Charley's house, I arrived there and Knocked on the door "Hi Charley"
She was the one to open the door and smiled "Hey M&M!"
I smiled more, "Ready?"
She nodded and walked outside and closed her door then locked it, I then said "You might needa Hold on to me or something on my bike"
"Im fine with that" She got on the bike and smiled, I got on the bike also. It took at least 20 minutes to get to the park. Charley and I got off the bike and hung around the Park for a while, Then I got the confidence to tell her how me and Nikki really feel and if she says she feels the same ask her to be my girlfriend sooo yeah, Nikki is with me in the front room so yeah she might take front. Charley saw me get nervous as the park grew loud but I ignored the loud people in the park.

(Nikki's POV in the inner world)

I paused and placed Kiki down, I went to find Anthony "Anthony? Where are you?"
I knocked on his door "Anthony? Are you Okay?"
Anthony didn't respond, He's usually the one to be held together but I know somethings wrong, I knocked again and He said, "Go away, Im fine"
I paused and said "Okay..If you're struggling we're all here, The freedom from that hell is Overwhelming  for everyone and we all knew we had to get out of their, With every bruise the more we knew" I then walked away, Knowing what'll soon happen with him and someone...I just don't know who else.

(Mage's POV)

"Basically what Im trying to say is, Charley, I-- Well me and Nikki really really like you, and if you Like us too we'd be glad to have you as our Girlfriend" I admitted (Ha, I only gave you the end)
Charley's Face turned red and she smiled "Oh love, I do too, Both of you, Well I love all of you but I really love you and Nikki"
I was smiling like a damn dofus and hugged her and said "So Will you?"
She nodded "Of course Dear, So it Poly or?"
I paused then shrugged "I Guess? I dunno"
Charley brushed my hair back behind my ear and said "Well, Wanna sleep over at my house?"
"Sure, I'll need to tell Sam"
"That's fine Dear"
I nodded and texted Sam that I was spending the night at Charley's and while we were at Charley's Place I realized that Anthony was struggling while Kiki was in front.

And we're concluding it here! Cya Lovelies

Word count: 1092

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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