New Cell Mate

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Selene was weak as she slumped against the clear window of the huge cell that she was thrown in after an attack orchestrated by her own blood lust. The chilling clear blue eyes of hers stared ahead at nothing blowing out a heavy breath of air, "So bored.." Her voice was croak from the lack of blood, offered only one lukewarm bag a day, and she knew that it didn't help any.

Fangs, sharp and deadly, stuck out from her open mouth as she hissed out from the ache in her stomach wondering how long she had been trapped here like some caged animal. Days, weeks, or months? She had no idea as she flicked a strand of stringy, raven colored hair out of her face with the flick of a long manicured fingernail.

Least she didn't need a bath like humans did and hadn't bothered with asking for a new set of clothes. A black corset complimented her busty torso tied intricately with silk strings, leather covered her arms from the jacket tucked around them often acting as a blanket with the length that reaches to her ankles which she had stolen from one of her victims splattered with crusted dry blood she was half attempting to lick off with hunger that burned in her chest, thick soft material trousers that hugged her lower half exceptionally well and looked like leather, and clunky black boots that had a flat heel and reached up to her calves with small buckle straps.

The door across the room slid open to reveal Nick Fury, who looked the same as ever, angered and emotionless. He looked much like herself who could act as a character on The Matrix. All black; a similar coat to her own reaching the floor, black cotton shirt, black trousers, and black boots. The eye patch he had also was black which was kind of humorous considering he was considered black with the dark chocolate color of his skin.

A smile crept onto her face, a small tug of the lips to show that she was amused at his entry, but he didn't look anywhere at her already barking orders at the men behind him. This interesting her as she sluggishly fought to stand swaying on her feet a little and it was only the fall of her coat on the floor did he avert his attention to her.

He scowled at her, a look of concern and fear in his eyes, before he turned away so she wouldn't see. She did though and chuckled despite the spinning of the room, "Something wrong, man?" Her mouth watered at the smell of his blood even from the thickness of the wall that separated them, clear to see each other, "Don't turn away from me, Nicky."

She crooned his name teasingly and he whipped around tossing a finger at her, "You are never to call me that again!" His one eye narrowed, remembering she almost was about to take his other one out, and smirked.

"You don't tell me what to do, Nicky, I call them as I seem them."

Nick was about to open his mouth until he saw her unsteadily sit down on the cell floor snorting, "Clearly I can, weakling." He was taunting her, sure, not the smartest thing to do but she could do nothing to him while locked away in that cell.

She bared her teeth at him snarling with as much strength as she could muster, "You've made me this way, you insubordinate fool!" She didn't like to be considered as weak, being reminded of her human life before when her father had insulted her with such a foul term, and sneered. "I need blood to survive and if I wasn't stuck in here I would suck you dry!"

A chuckle caught their attention and both turned to see that big, blonde alien dragging in a thinner dark haired man in who was smirking. Presumably from their bickering but with a prompt shake from the blonde extraterrestrial, Thor, he shut up scowling at the blonde brute. "I've brought him, Fury."

Thor seemed confused, as if he wasn't always, as he looked at her. He saw the smile that stretched across her face, showing the fangs that protruded from her gums, and shuddered. "You are this is safe, Fury?"

The man was staring at her intently, like he was trying to probe her every thought and memory with difficulty, and the smile transformed into a smirk as she realized that it was what she was trying to do waving teasingly to the handcuffed man.

Surely, she would have passed out now from the lack of exertion but she was not human, and was only slightly sluggish. Snatching her favored coat from the floor and slipping her arms through she crawled back to the bed stationed on the side of the cell before climbing onto it with a few rugged breaths ignoring the conversation behind her.

It wasn't until this, "Loki is her new cell mate. This is no longer up for discussion." That she tuned back in turning her head to see the blonde alien shove in the smaller, dark haired man after uncuffing him, and then the cell door closed.

Ah, so his name is Loki, she smirked.

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