Vampire's Lament

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Loki sneered at his brother, Thor, who had watched with hidden sorrow in those blue depths but he didn't want to see that so he focused his attention on the female he felt staring at him. He noted the dark circles around her unnaturally murky ice blue eyes, the way her eyelids fluttered open and closed sluggishly, and the sallow expression on her face.

She didn't seem all that dangerous to be in a cell such a this, made for something stronger than him, he snorted to himself and she had the decency to look amused. Like she could read his thoughts, almost, and the smile widened as if she knew a secret.

Loki sat down on the bench across from the bed and looked up at her in shock when she spoke to him like he was nothing, the words that rolled off her tongue, and sliced through him like a spear.

"Foolish Asgardian."

Those words caused him to seethe, "Who are you talking to? Insignificant worm!" She blinked at him showing no emotion to his words and that shook him to the core. Not even recognition of hurt flashed through her transparent blue eyes and his own emerald eyes narrowed.

She chuckled at him after a moment, "You, Loki. No one else to talk to but the air."

Loki clenched his fingers to fists knowing that they must expect him to blow up on the tiny, black haired female across from him. They want to know his weaknesses, his strengths, and just how far he would go to rule this pathetic mud ball of a planet. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction, no matter how much he wanted to slap that mouth on the woman across from him, who dare utter his name like they were the best of friends. He had no friends and no family, not after he killed Laufeyson, and he certainly didn't need any because he was better off on his own.

"You know my name, what of yours?"

She blinked at him with a knowing smile, "You don't want to know my name."

Loki scoffed at her relaxing his tense muscles, "And why not?"

"You're trying to be nice to me because their watching. You don't want them to know how much you want to hurt me."

He sat still on the bench befuddled, open mouthed as he stared at the female, "Have you been reading my mind?"

If the smile wasn't any indication that she had been doing exactly that he didn't know what and he scowled at her. "Perhaps I have, perhaps not." Her smile faltered as a look of agony crossed her features; the pain of hunger and she screwed her eyelids shut.

Loki simply stared wondering what to do. What could he do? Just stared, that's all he did waiting for her pain to subside. All in all the pain she suffered lasted a good couple of minutes before she sucked in a breath of air letting it out in a cat-like hiss before it turned to inhuman growling.

What was this peculiar creature?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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