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I heard a mechanical beep in rhythm. One after another, sturdy and slow, repeatedly. I heard it, but couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes to see it. I tried to lift myself up, but couldn’t feel my body. I felt nothing. Am I dead? No, because I’m conscious. I wasn’t entirely sure of anything. Last thing I remember, come on Raquel, think! Suddenly I see images in my head. Mom crying over my body, dad yelling at my brother David to call an ambulance. Mom was yelling my name repeatedly. Slowly everything I was remembering started to fade. It was gone as fast as it started. After it was gone I noticed that the beeping noise had become faster. I still couldn’t move my body or lift my eyelids, but I could feel someone stroking my cheek with their thumb and then kiss my forehead, while with their other hand they were holding my hand. I began to hear something else. I heard… Panic. Someone was saying something.
“What’s wrong?! Help her!” said a male’s voice, “Help her already! Do something!”
I felt his thumb lift off my cheek, but his hand was still holding mine.
“We’re doing what we can sir, but what’s most important is to stay calm and if you want to help her than you--”
I heard someone gasp before the woman could finish her sentence. Then I realized that the gasp came from me! I let go of the mans hand and grabbed the blanket covering me. I opened my eyes and looked around the room.
“Where am I?!” I screamed, “What are you trying to do to me?!”
There was medical stuff all around me. I was in a hospital.
“Calm down honey, your alright,” said a nurse, “Just relax. Take a deep breath. It’s okay; no one wants to hurt you.”
Then it was blank after that. Nothingness.

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