Two |Family Secrets|

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I don't know if it was just paranoia or not, but I felt like someone was watching me. I've been having this feeling since I entered the school with my new friends. They didn't seem to be sensing some sort of stalker though, so it most likely was my paranoia. Once again, I looked over my shoulder only to find nothing suspicious.

"Arlo, you alright man?" Damien chuckled. "You've been looking over your shoulder every five seconds."

I shook my head. "It's nothing."

"Feel like you're being watched?" Elizabeth questioned. "It's a normal feeling around here. We're just used to it, I guess."

"I hate this feeling...."

"You'll get used to it. All of us have." Tabitha assured. "Let me see your schedule. What's your first class?"

I bit my lip. "I still have to go up to the front office and get it."

"We'll come with you!"

"No, Tabitha. It's cool." I headed down the hall, still on guard.

"It's the other way...." Miranda tisked.

I spun on my heel and headed towards the office, but not before accidentally bumping into some guy. Before I knew it, I was against some unfortunate soul's locker and a fist collided with the locker beside me. My eyes widened as I stared into the infuriated glare of a boy with tidy, black hair and blue eyes. To say he is perfect was nothing more than an understatement. His chiseled jaw looked as if it were carved by Michelangelo himself as well as the rest of his sharp features. In other words, he could practically be a god with his looks. I could even see hints of tattoos creeping up from under his black shirt. Even his fists seem to have ink on them.

"Watch where the hell you're going." The boy snarled.

I thought I saw his eyes flicker down to my neck, but I passed it off as my imagination. "I-I'm sorry."

"You better be."

My heart began pounding so hard, I thought it was gonna burst through my chest even though, surprisingly, it wasn't from fear. I couldn't quite understand why because this boy could easily cave my face in with his fist if he wanted to.

"I-I am...."

He sighed then lowered his fist. "Sorry for scaring you like that. My reaction was highly uncalled for."

"O-Oh. It's fine...."

His eyes met mine and they now held a soft and gentle look, rather than the harsh and fiery glare they had earlier. "What's your name? I haven't seen you around here."

"Arlo.... I'm new here."

His lips stretched into a sly smirk. "I figured you were new. I'd remember you." A faint blush crept up my face. "I'm Jaxton. Jaxton Di Angelo."

I honestly had no idea how to respond and that was unusual for me. I usually had a comeback for everything, but at this moment I was at a loss for words.

"Jaxton? What are you doing to that poor kid?" A female voice called from a few lockers over. She was quite beautiful. Her face was heart-shaped and her eyes were a bright, ocean blue.

"Ah, Clementine. I was just making a new friend."

The brunette girl rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I can tell by the huge dent in the locker." She looked at me apologetically. "I apologize for my brother's behavior. I hope he didn't scare you."

"N-No. He didn't scare me."

He chuckled. "Then what's up with the stutter?"

Before I could stop myself, I got cheeky. "Oh, don't act like you don't like it."

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